Chapter 12: Truth or joke?

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Chapter 12: Truth or joke?

Alana’s P.O.V

I need to go out, like really bad. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I need a break from life.

       "Alana!" My mother’s voice carried to me. I rolled my eyes, this should be good.

       "What?" I called down. I impatiently waited for my mom to answer me but I got none. Of course i had to walk down there. I skipped down the stairs.

       "Mother," I called annoyed.

       "Get ready we are leaving in a half hour," she said and slammed the door to her bathroom. Great, looks like I was not going out to a club tonight. This is going to be a really interesting night.

       I stared into the mirror, my brown hair is wavy but not really, it still looked good. My make-up is a little out there, golden eye shadow on my lids with pink on top, in the crest, black fake eye lashes. I have no idea where on earth we are going tonight but I knew it was going to be classy. I put on a red dress, a heart shape neckline with ruffles and a brown belt that ended under my boobs. I slid on brown wedges.

       My door slammed open with an annoyed mother. She opened her mouth, “Alana are you ready?” I gave her a slight nod. Ever since that blow out with my grandparents my mom doesn’t even like being in the same room with me. It confused me, I did nothing; they were the ones who beat me.

       I followed her down the stairs. I still didn’t know where we were going but I didn’t ask knowing I would get no answer from her. We all piled into the car and my dad started to drive.  I looked out the window; the stairs in the sky were barely noticeable.


       “We're here,” my dad told us, clearing his throat. We all sat there awkwardly, not one of us moving. My father sighed. “Please girls, try to act normal. This is my clients dinner.” We all nodded before getting out.

       I didn’t know if it was Jack’s moms place or a different client. I hoped it wasn’t Jack’s. I just felt awkward when I was with him.  Maybe because I couldn't control my emotions, he brought them all out. One minute we were fighting and the next we were having fun and he was saving me.

       I bit my lip. I had to know what he meant by my boss will kill me. Who the hell is his boss?

       “Hello,” A voice greeted us as we walked in. The dinner is small but had the homiest feeling to it. Jakes mother walked out of the kitchen to the counter wearing a light pink apron, you could tell she wore it a lot because it’s fading color.

       “Miss McCarty,” my father greeted with a smile on his face. Well this is one way to spend my night. I looked around the building, not even Jack was here.

       “Mr. Copper,” She said wiping her hands on her apron. She ran her hands through her hair trying to smooth the flyaway hairs coming from her messy bun. “I thought you weren’t coming till seven.” Her big eyes held confusion in them.

       “It is seven,” my father chuckled, “Still can’t keep time. Can you?” she let a small smile come to her lips. Talk about awkward! I scratched my arm.

       “My son will be here in a half an hour,” She started, “He had some ‘business’ he had to take care of.” I rolled my eyes at that, I didn’t buy it.

       “Could we sit?” my mother’s cold voice cut through their conversation. I rolled my eyes at her, I should really stop rolling my eyes, they might fall out.

       “Oh! Yes! Go right ahead dear,” Jack's mother said, her eyes widened.

       “Thank you,” my mother spat out. Oh joy, my mother is going to be a bitch tonight.  Eventually they all sat down, making small talk waiting for Jack to get here.

       Right when I was about to take the knife on the table and stab myself the door busted open. All of our heads snapped over to see four people, Jack, Jango, Brad, and Katie. What the hell are they doing here?! What the hell is Katie doing here?!  I totally should have stabbed myself.

       “I think I’m going to be sick,” I mumbled an excuse. “Where is the bathroom?”

       Miss McCarty’s eyes widen, “Right over there.” She pointed to the doors behind me. Great I still have to go past Katie. God what have I done to deserve this? I stood up on my shaky legs and made my way past them; I could feel all of their eyes on me.

       When I finally got to the bathroom, I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. I closed my eyes tightly. I couldn’t deal with Katie right now. I could not deal with her drama, definitely not with everyone there. She knew what my grandparents did and yet she left me to deal with them by myself. What a true friend.

       I really need a drink. If I was drunk more than half my life it would be super easy. I wouldn't feel anything, I could be numb. I bet there is no alcohol here. I really wanted Peppermint Schnapps, hehe that’s fun to say.

       “Schnapps,” I said in a deep voice, I looked into the mirror and pushed out my chest. I repeated schnapps until my throat hurt.

       “Wow you’re really sick,” a slick voice commented behind me. I jumped at least five feet and my hand went to my heart. I spun around to see Jango smirking.

       “You scared the shit out of me,” I told him. I walked over to him and hit him in the shoulder. He just rolled his eyes but kept smirking at me.

       “We have to talk,” he said. His face gone dead serious, there was no smirk, no amusement in his eyes. His lack of jokes scared me, my forehead sweating.

       “You're scaring me,” I told him.

       “We need to get you and your family out of here,” he told me. I looked at him and snorted, he is playing a joke on me.

       “Nice try,” I said while patting him on the shoulder. I went to go around him but he grabbed my arm forcing me to face him.

       “I’m not kidding. You are in danger, your mother is in danger, and your father is in danger. If you don’t get out of here, you will die. Talk to me or Jack when you come to your senses." With that Jango stormed out of the GIRLS bathroom.

       I stayed in the bathroom, trying to control my breathing. Is he telling the truth? I bet this is a joke! This has to be a joke... Right?

       Why would anyone want to kill us? I’ve been a good girl so far, well this past month. I took a deep breath gathering myself before storming out of the bathroom. Everyone looked at me as I exited the room. I thought I was really going to be sick. I covered my mouth and ran to the bathroom but of course with my luck I didn’t make it there in time and vomited all over myself and the clean floor.

       Aren’t I the luckiest person you know?

The Gangster's Girl (Process of Editing)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat