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       “Where is your mother?” My father yelled bursting through my room.

       “She left,” I told him, never making eye contact with him. Truth be told, when he got this angry it scared me.

       “Left?!” His voice roared. I flinched back on the power of his voice.

       “Yes,” I whispered not knowing if he heard me.

       “That women!” He spit out with repulsion. With that he stormed out of my room making a lot of noise. I took a deep breath and let it out. Falling back onto my bright yellow sheets.

       BEEP BEEP

Alana don’t forget 2night (Unknown number)

           I scowled down at my phone. Stupid, people. Wait.. What if this isn’t a prank? Hmm, maybe I should dress up so if it is a prank they wouldn’t know it was me?

       “Yes that is it!” I shouted, fist pumping.  I’m so smart. Now what to wear?

       I smirked into the mirror. I looked hot, no not just hot, sexy. The tight Hollister black jeans with a plain red shirt and a black leather jacket. I grabbed the pony tail holder from my wrist and pulled my brown hair into a bun. I smirked at the pink hair wing sitting on my desk. I put it on, yup I can totally pull off pink hair.

       “Who wears pink hair? I wear pink hair,” I sang into my shoe. I put on my black and white converse and smiled at my reflection. I could be a ninja.

       I ran down the stairs and hopped into my car. Maybe I shouldn’t take this car, it does draw a lot of attention. Hmmm, the jeep! I can drive my fathers red Wrangler. As long as I don’t crash because if I do my head will be cut off. He loved that truck more than he loved me…

       I hopped into the truck. I adjusted the driver’s seat and driving wheel. I nodded my head to the beat as some rock song came over. As I lost myself in the song, I didn’t notice the black motorcycle riding the ass of the jeep.

       “A singer in a smoky room, a smell of wine and cheap perfume, for a smile they can share the night, it goes on and on and on and on,” I screeched. I slammed my hand on the steering wheel making the horn go off. I jumped at least six feet in the air making the truck swerve.

       My heart dropped as I lost control, my hands off the wheel. I screamed and threw my hands above head like I was in a tornado drill. I screamed again and again. Slowly the car came to a jolt. I screamed for an hour after that. My eyes slowly opened to find a tree in front of me. I yelled and slammed my hands on the steering wheel again and guess what happened. Well three things happened. One, the horn went off again, the freakin’ air bag went off in my face, and last fuckin’ On Star came on.

       The On Star started talking. My eyes widened as it continued to talk.  I yelled, having a tantrum like a four year old that didn’t get her cookie.

       “Oh! My! God!” I yelled kicked my legs against the dash. I yelled a couple more times before slamming the door opened. I swung my legs out and the car door hit me in the side. I clenched my eyes trying not to scream. I opened the door a little more and jumped out. I fell straight onto my face. Life sucks.

       As I climbed up the stupid ditch, I didn’t look back at the jeep knowing that I might just break down and cry. When I finally got to the top  I dropped to my knee. I really should start working out more. Stupid L.A,  you made me out of shape. HONK!! I yelled and flung myself back. Next thing I knew, I was rolling down the hill again but this time I wasn’t in the car and I was going backwards.

       “Screw LA!” I shouted as I laid  back on my back. I pounded my fist and kicked my legs, yes I was having another fit. “Fuck me twice!” I was pissed, scared (Of my father), and very pissed. I stood up and ran up the hill. I came all this way to see if this was a prank and there was no way I was going to turn back around and quit. Plus where the hell did my pink hair go?

       I finally reached the bar where we were going to meet.  I was an hour late and soaked in mud and water. I fell into the ditches a few more times. Honest to god I was glad I made it to the bar but I swear if it was a prank. somebody is going to lose a body part.

       “Alana glad you could make it,” a deep voice that sent shivers up my body said. I slowly turned around to see an old man who looked about fifty. His hair was graying but not all the way but he did have a bald spot on the top of his head. His dull dark eyes held no emotion in them, they were completely blank, and it scared me.

       “Please take a seat,” he said with an evil grin on his face. I could feel butterflies in the bottom of my stomach.

       “What’s your name?” I snapped, sliding into my booth seat across from the mystery man.  

       “Didn’t your parents tell you not to be rude?” He asked still grinning at me with his wrinkly lips. I rolled my eyes at his comeback.

       “They also told me not to talk to strangers,” I barked at him. I crossed my arms over my chest waiting for a witty comeback.

       “Rebel,” he commented.

       “Hello, my name is Tammy and I will be your waitress tonight,” The bleached blonde said. I could tell by one glance is she is as fake as Dolly Parton’s boobs and ass.

       “Chocolate shake,” I said not looking at her but staring at the man across the room from me. Katie and Trish. They looked at me like they was challenging me to say or do something.

       I didn’t even notice the waitress leave the table until my shake was sliding across the table in front of me.  I narrowed my eyes at the mystery man who was in front of me.  My nose twitched.

       “What do you want from me?” I asked. I was losing patience.

       “Money, people dead,” he said as if it was a causal thing for him to talk about. I started to shake on my shake.

       “Dead?” I spit out.

       “Baby you know it,” his slimy voice said raising his eyes brows.

       “Don’t call me that,” I growled.

       “I want your family dead. D.E.A.D”

       “Not going to happen.”

       “Give me a million by next week or I will kill your mother." I snorted and rolled my eyes.

       “Classic,” I told him, shaking my head. “Couldn’t think of a better lie?” I cocked my head to the side.

       “I’m not lying,” he told me. “I don’t lie.” I gave him a flat look.

       “Bull shat,” I told him.

       “Shat?” He asked.

       “Makin’ fun of me?” I asked him, challenging him.

       “I’ll see you next Friday night, here. Try not to be late this time, Kitten,” he said walking away from me. I felt my jaw drop. I was screwed! I don’t know how I know but this man was not a joking man. He meant business. And he called me kitten!

To add to the list of IT MAKES ME WANT TO DIE I lost my pink wig and I looked good with pink hair!

The Gangster's Girl (Process of Editing)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat