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~Alana's P.O.V~


 No sleep. Around three this morning I went to the gym. Its been a while since my last workout, I will deferentially be a little sore. I put on light blue skinny jeans with a black blouse tank top that had ruffles around the buttons after I got out of the shower. I put on tall black boots. It was super cloudy but I put on my sun glasses so no one could see the bags that sagged under my brown eyes since my makeup wasn't doing its job. I walked down the stairs thinking my parents were gone but lucky me they were here. I sighed and ran my fingers down my face. That means no Pop-tarts. 

       "Hunny why do you have your sunglasses on?"  My mom asked me.

       "Cause I want to," I told her. I guess I'm going to be sassy today. 

       "Alana Copper tell me now. It better not be a black eye again. I am your mother and you will respect me!" she yelled at me in that tone that made my skin crawl. Sighing I took my sunglasses off. 

       "See its all fine mom, no black eye. I just little to no sleep last night," I told her with irritation laced in my voice. 

       "And why was that? Are the nightmares back? " she asked.

       "I don't KNOW! I just couldn't sleep, OK? " I sighed while running my hands through my hair, I was frustrated. Honestly some of it was Jack's fault but there was no way in hell was I going to tell her that. She would skin me alive because he won't meet her standards, she would think I loved him and wanted to run away and marry him. She would tell me he was not good and would only ruin my life. She always told me to go for the boys who have money in their pockets not personality or good hearts. Nice mom, huh?

       "What don't you know?" my dad asked me.

       "Nothing!" I yelled and stomped out of the room. This no sleep is getting to me. I grabbed my bag and keys and made my way over to the door as I was about to leave I yelled saying I'm sorry. I jumped in my car and turned it on. I felt it grow to life. I smiled at the feel. I loved cars. I used to work at an auto shop with my best friend Katie. My mother didn't like Katie but my dad did. My mom said she was too boyish. Kate and her dad taught me everything I knew about cars. My mom didn't know that I knew a lot about cars and she wouldn't find out.

       I grabbed my bad digging for my iPhone and dialed the only person I knew who could calm me down. I needed her to get out here as fast as she could. I was going to lose my shit if the nightmares came back. Nightmares more like night terrors.    

-Jack's P.O.V-

       I walked into the school with my boys on my side. I looked down the hall to see Zane and his friends. They were so stupid! I bet Zane gets his nail done! I looked over at my buddy and saw one of them imitating Zane.

       "Hi I'm Zane and I get my nails done, "Jonah said while looking at his nails. Did I mention Jonah and I are practically like brother. I swear we're telepathic. 

       "Hi I'm Zane and I'm brain dead, I have to have a tutor but my mom screwed him so now I'm falling all my tests," Max said while sending Zane six feet under with his glare.

       "Hi I'm Zane and I haven't worked a day in my life. My father gets me everything I want and he pays for girls to go out with me," I said in a girly voice, prancing around and laughing. I picked a flower and twirled it around. I bet when people look at me they think I'm gay right now. 

The Gangster's Girl (Process of Editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt