Fugitive - Chapter 7

Start from the beginning

"Am I okay? What about you? Are YOU okay?" she asked, frowning up at him. When he winced, she let her lips form a small smile. "Don't be a baby. It's just a nose bleed."

"Sorry." Andrew apologised.

"It's fine. Next time I suggest taking care of you first. I am a big girl and I don't need to be mollycoddled." Aubrey stated while using her free hand to force Andrew to take over the grip on his nose.

"You were shouting in your sleep."

Aubrey's head snapped up. "I was shouting?"

"Yes, I couldn't make out a lot of it." Andrew replied, his brows furrow as he glanced down at her. "You didn't look like you were having a good dream so I thought it best to wake you up."

Wrapping her arms around her waist, Aubrey turned away from the man. "I thought you would have learnt after last time I got woken up abruptly. You're lucky I didn't hurt you."

"Are you sure you're okay?" his soft voice called to her.

Whipping her head around, she glared at the man. But, at the sight of him still pathetically attempting to stem the flow of blood from his nose, she sighed and dropped her gaze.

"No, I'm not okay." She ground out before throwing her arms away from her body and letting out a growl. "I saw him. In my dreams I saw my - friend. They've hurt him. They've hurt him badly. I don't know how long he will survive if they continue torturing him over and over again. And I know it wasn't a dream before you even say it. I know it deep within my heart and soul. It was real."

Using his free hand as a shield, Andrew stared over at her with sad eyes. Aubrey didn't appreciate the pity.

"I wasn't going to say it was just a dream. I was just going to say that I have an idea and maybe it would be a good time to put it into action." Dropping his hand away from his face, he paused as if waiting for more blood to flow before he continued. "Have you ever heard of Evelyn Turner?"

The red head laughed. "The TV psychic? Who hasn't heard of Evelyn Turner?"

"I was just checking." He muttered before looking down at his shoes. "She lives near here. It was one of the reasons I suggested this place. According to my uncle she was the real deal. The TV act was just to play the crowds but her entire family have been involved in the craft for centuries."

Staring at him, Aubrey knew her face held disbelief. Yet what options did they have. Closing her eyes for a moment, she drew in a deep breath before releasing it slowly. "Fine."


"Yes, fine. We'll go and see Evelyn. What other options do we have? I am no magician or wizard or whatever else. The only thing I know how to do is fight and even that is questionable."

"Great, let's go."

"Are you sure we'll be okay just turning up at her home?" Aubrey asked as she watched him rush around.

He waved her off, his eyes scanning the room as he searched for his shoes.

Twenty minutes later we were pulling up to a gated property. When Andrew had said the celebrity psychic lived close by he wasn't lying. From the closed gates and the sheer multitude of security surrounding her property, it was easy to see the woman wasn't a huge fan of guests.

"I know you suggested we visit Evelyn but I don't think she likes unexpected visitors."

Andrew smiled, his foot still hovering on the breaks as he leant across the seats, his fingers quickly releasing the catch on the glove compartment. A second later he was brandishing his police badge with a huge grin on his face. Rolling the car forward, he wound down the window and pressed the buzzer.

Fugitive (sequel to Becoming Atlantian)Where stories live. Discover now