I blinked a few times as everything he said finally settled with me. “Uhhh ... yeah,” I replied as I began to unbuckle.

The familiar smell of Pine Sol filled my nose as we walked into the hospital. The woodsy scent, to which I now associate with this dreadful hospital, couldn’t help but make me cringe and grip unto the white sleeve of Bryson’s button up shirt as I walked closely behind him.

“Are you scared, Elle?” Bryson jokingly asked as he threw me a glance over his broad shoulder.

I straightened up and shook my head at him. “I’m not afraid,” I spoke with more confidence than I thought I could ever muster in my current situation..

Bryson shook his head. “Then why are you holding on to my sleeve for dear life?” He asked but this time he wasn’t looking at me over his shoulder because he was without a doubt smiling like the Cheshire Cat.

My eyes narrowed and I let go of his shirt. The moment my fingers released the cotton material I felt myself become extremely vulnerable. As much as I really hated to admit it, this place strikes fear inside of me ... as felt earlier when we pulled up.  “I’m fine, you know? We really don’t have to come here.” I muttered as he opened a door that was labeled ‘Outpatient Clinic’. Looking at the ajared door that Bryson was holding open and I started to wonder if Bryson actually expected me to walk in the loud room that the sounds of crying babies and chattering people permeated out to the hall at which I was standing in.

Bryson closed the door and turned to look at me in the hall. “Elle, I can promise you that you will not be admitted back here. But, please, go in this clinic willingly. I really hate to cause a scene  ... plus, don’t you want to know what is wrong with your hand? I mean, if anything beneficial that could come out of this it is the fact that the doctor can give you some really good pain medicine. Now stop being silly and come on,” he stated as he reopened the clinic door.  

I knew he was right, I was acting silly.

With a big inhale, I walked into the clinic with my chin held high...


Bryson sulked as he walked towards his car and I couldn’t help but laugh. “Bryson, if I’m not mistaken, it looks like you are pouting.” I stated with a wide smile.

Currently, Bryson was acting like a child that just got in trouble because Dr. Rose, who I found out was Bryson’s first cousin, went off on Bryson for not picking up my headache prescription from the pharmacy. He about crapped his pants as she started to yell at him and say that it was under their agreement of my early discharge that he got my medicine for me to take if I get headaches. His excuse was that he forgot.

Of course, Dr. Rose didn’t accept his excuse and made him go to the pharmacy while they took an X-Ray of my hand and back.

Even though Bryson promised I was going to be fine in the absence of his presence and that he will be right back, I still felt on edge while he was gone. I couldn’t help but twiddle my thumbs and nibble at my bottom lip nervously while he went to go get my medicine. The entire time he was gone I was living in fear that he left me here and Dr. Rose was going to admit me and run more test on my brain to see if there was progress on my ‘condition’.

But, lucky for me Bryson was quick and he lived up to his promise.

It surprised me that she didn’t say or ask any questions about the injuries I got due to the mean mall cop. Yet, I was thankful. I knew that today at the funeral I would have to explain to a few people what had happened to me, because I know for a fact that the curiosity of the people in this town have not changed in the past five years.

My Lovely Jerk {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now