chapter 5

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We where finishing setting up the new room. We placed both beds together to make one hug one. As we finished MinTae came running in "Appaaaaaaas" she cried. Oh how it broke my heart, as Ravi picked her up I ran into the family room mad and angry and upset. "If someone doesn't speak up I swear I'm going to murder you all except for Ravi and mintae"
Hyuk raised his hand and looked sad like he didn't mean it.
"Why you did you do it?"
"Well I was just playing with her and I started to at peek-a-boo and she was asking where I was going so I kept doing it and she was getting scared and that's when she ran away crying. I'm sorry." I sighed and forgave hyuk. Tomorrow we have awards so we all need head to sleep.

"Guys , we have a big day tomorrow ,let's get everything done and hit the sheets." N said.

I really hate award shows to many cameras.

Mintae POV
Appa leo woke me up the next day really early in the morning. All of my oppas and appas where awake too.
"Appa Ravi? Why are up so early?" He smiled and picked me up.
"Well sweety today we have a awards show and that's why we woke up early" are other groups going? I want to know "Can I go?!"
I asked very excited

"Of course you can! Why not? " he laughed his loud laugh.

(Next chapter is at the awards show)

Appas?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora