~Four~ Hello Again...

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“Whatever. How bad were they?” he asks, and I know immediately that he means my results.

“I got an A+ in Art which is really good, but Art means nothing to mum,” I begin telling him “I got a C- in History and English. C’s in French and Business Studies and a Fail in Maths. So yeah, she wasn’t happy. At all”

“Whoa Bea, did you study at all?” he asks but I know there is no malice behind his question, unlike when my mother asks, he is just genuinely interested in school. Especially my school, since the one I go to is the sort of snobby one that requires a scholarship, while he goes to the general one here in Mullingar.

And before you ask, I got into my school through an Art scholarship.

Not through a scholarship for my brains.

“What do you think?” I ask him with a smile, as I start playing with a ball of elastic bands that was sitting on his desk.

“I can’t believe I haven’t seen you in ten years!” he exclaims sitting down on his bed.

“I know. What have you been up to?” I ask him

“Well I’m designing album covers for Sony and .... Oh! I was accepted into a college over in the States!” he tells me with great enthusiasm.

“Holy smokes Sean! Designing album covers? Do you make them on your computer?”

“Yeah, I get paid a good bit too. Want me to show you how?”

I sit with Sean as he shows me how to create the covers and we mindlessly chat about Mullingar.

“Yeah well Francine has a lot of friends but they don’t like me at all because... well you can see why” he says gesturing to himself.

“They’re more into Drake rather than Dr. Who so I don’t really talk to them but you would probably fit in with them?”

“I’m deeply offended Sean! I am a dedicated Whovian, you of all people should know that!”

Technically what I was saying wasn’t true, Sean had made me watch Dr.Who anytime we were together and I usually just hid under him while the Daleks/ Crying Angels/ Dolls made the Doctor’s job harder. Sean always teased me for it especially at Christmas when the hour long special was on.

“Oh god, do you remember watching that?” he asks me chuckling to himself.

“Yes! How could I forget? I had nightmares about the Daleks for years afterwards!” I exclaimed.

“Still a drama queen I’m guessing?”

“Shut up ” I tell him, flinging and elastic band at his forehead.


“I’ll see you later nerd” I tell him, making my way to his door.

“Bye chicken” he retorts.

“Aww Sean. That cuts deep” I fake wounded, hand on my heart.

“Oh shut up and get out already” he tells me turning back to his computer with a smile.

“I’ll show you who’s a chicken!” I scream running back towards him, ready for battle.

After talking to Sean for another half hour, I make my way downstairs and watch the TV for another hour before deciding to go out and explore.

“Sean? Do you wanna come out with me?” I ask him, opening his door.

“Sorry Bea, I mean Dru, I have to have this cover finished by nine” he explains, apologetically.

Patience (A Punk Niall Horan Romance)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon