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Okay so just a disclaimer

1. I curse in this story.

Niall and Bea's characters just curse okay? Don't read if you're going to comment on every chapter "Way too much foul language" or whatever. Not cool man.

2.Updates may be slow

I realised that if I take my time the quality of my chapters is a lot better so I'm just going to take my time BUT it will be (what I think) is a reasonable amount of time

3.I didn't mark this as restricted

Mainly because there is'nt sex in every chapter BUT there is refrences to sex. It's not heavy sex scenes just.... sex.I'm not a prude or a sex addicted author so.

And 4.There are refrences to drugs,underage sex,underage drinking and other bad stuff in the story.

Just letting ya' know now because I don't want people freaking out over it.


All ideas for this story are my own and all rights are reserved.Anyone who copies my story will be reported and legal action may be taken.

So yay! The story is here! I'm probably gonna do an author's note at the end of each chapter but feel free to skip if you want :)

Enjoy my nutters,

Molly x

P.S Bea has a REAL tumblr its    


So check it out to get a better look inside her head :D <3

Patience (A Punk Niall Horan Romance)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant