~Four~ Hello Again...

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“Well the party’s at Matthew’s and it’s not till nine so you can amuse yourself for awhile all right? I’m going to swimming until six so I’ll see you later!” Fran squeals at me before exiting my room with the finished bottles of non-alcoholic beer.

What the hell am I supposed to do until nine?

It was now three o’clock, I wasn’t tired and Fran had informed me that the internet wasn’t working today because of telephone rewiring. So what does a girl do when she can’t internet or sleep? She eats! No. I had a bad relationship with food ever since I started ballet aged eight.

Long story short, I pushed myself too hard to get into the Royal Theatre of Dance when I was fifteen and ended up becoming bulimic and anorexic for a year.

Needless to say, I don’t have the best outlook on my body and I only eat at mealtimes. No snacks. Ever.

But I’ll save you the sob story. I was fifteen, emotional and had gone through family problems concerning my mum’s unhealthy habits and I let it all get on top of me. Yes, I cut. But I wasn’t stupid enough to cut my arms so somebody could see it. I cut my stomach. Horizontal scars, parallel to one another, now ran from the left side of my waist to the right.

Anyway, I now only ate at breakfast, lunch and dinner and nothing after ten o’ clock at night. I went to a therapist for a year after my parents found out and I guess I still hadn’t gotten over my habits. But seriously, eating controls my life now. I have an obsession with it.

So I had at least four hours to spare until eight o’clock when I would start getting ready.

Sean! I should go see if he's home and say hi.

Walking down the long hallway to the door near the stairs that had Star Wars stickers on it, I noticed that there weren’t a lot of pictures with Peter, Francine’s dad, in them. Thinking about it, nobody had mentioned him since I arrived. Weird.

Knocking on Sean’s door I examined his stickers. After waiting for an answer I turned the knob and walked into his room.

“Jesus Christ! What the fuck?” I shouted, jumping, as a large net descended on me and a  screeching noise started to sound while bright flashing red lights clouded my vision.

“FRANCINE!  GET OUT OF MY ROOM!” I heard someone shout as footsteps came thundering up the stairs.

The door swung open to reveal a tall boy my age with dark wavy hair. His eyes were blue and were concealed behind thick nerd-style glasses.

Well they’re a step up from his old bottle glasses.

“Bea! Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I had an alarm set up because Francine’s always coming in my room and moving stuff about and you know how much I hate mess....” he rambles on as he enters the room and types in a sort of password into a lock box I didn’t notice, above his bed.

“Well Sean, long time no see huh?” I ask him

The last time I had seen Sean was when I was 10. You would think I would have seen him at Saffron’s and Peter’s wedding but my mother had forbid all of my siblings from attending due to her hatred of Peter. So this was the first time I had seen Sean in eight years and I guess if he changed his clothes and removed his glasses he would be a lot hotter.

“Yeah eight year’s right? I still haven’t forgiven you for leaving me to dance with Fran all night at the wedding” he says with a smile. I know he isn’t really angry. He knows what my mum’s like.

“I didn’t expect you to forgive me Sean. Part of the reason why I'm here is to beg for your forgiveness” I explain, sitting down on his large computer chair in front of his desk after he had freed me from the net.

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