Chapter Nineteen: Popularity Was Never His Thing

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Chapter 19...Popularity Was Never His Thing

Pulling away from Izzy's hug Eli looked at her and they decided to go to bed at it was almost ten at night and frankly after sleeping for so long he was still tired. Headed into the kitchen, Eli asked her if she wanted a glass of water since he was taking one to bed with him. Politely declining the two of the walked into Eli's room and Izzy sat on the grey comforter and studied the navy blue walls around them. She remembers there being photographs hung from the wall above the bed, but they had been removed as you could where the sun had faded the blue around the outline.

He pulled out the bottom drawer of his dresser which specifically had clothes for Izzy in since Jeremy usually just borrowed whatever. Iz had left a pair of sweat pants, some shorts, and a couple regular shirts at Eli's so that she would have something comfortable to wear to bed. She went to change and Eli checked his email since that's the only thing he could do now was wait. His patience usually held up, but recently with Danny's idea of anticipation it was on the line.

Iz came back in and sat on the bed next to where Eli was laying shirtless with shorts on top of the sheets with his legs hanging over the edge of the bed. He was doing something on the phone and she grabbed the phone out of his hands and slipped it into her pocket. About to protest, Eli turned to look at his friend and then just placed his hands under the pillow letting his bangs cover his eyes with his head turned toward her. She laughed and told him he needed a haircut. Eli's head nodded in agreement and he asked for a backrub before they went to talk about her college experience so far.

"So I know you don't really check any social media especially with you being chewed up right now, but I have a boyfriend! Now, before you say anything I know I should have told you right away, yet I knew that we liked each other and I wanted to make sure that my new relationship was not just going to end, plus I wanted to give myself time."

"That's great Iz, now just if the guy hurts my best friend I will look out for you. And I know we liked each other, but we realized that our friendship was more important and we didn't want to ruin that. Now tell me who."

"James Bentley, but you might recognize him as Deputy Bentley. Now also Eli don't scold me because of the age difference and no incase your wonder we are not having sex any time soon."

A breath of relief came from Eli and he smiled and truly and genuinely happy for his best friend and her attempt of love when his didn't exist. Bentley was a young deputy; however, he was still a few years older than his friend and guys were not always the best people so he wants to watch out for her. She continued to rub his back and he ended falling asleep at some time as her hand worked out the knots in his shoulders and back muscles. She didn't go to bed right away, walking into her room James called her and they ended up video chatting into the morning. He questioned her at first since she wasn't in her college dorm or her room. After settling things with him about her whereabouts they talked about anything and everything as the minutes flew by. It had already been a month and Izzy never felt happier with a guy before, including her best friends.

Eli woke up at some point in the night and heard Izzy still talking to James and he refilled his glass of water and ended up watching a movie until he became tired enough that he fell asleep. Becoming a zombie again when he woke up, he walked down the staircase to see someone, Iz, had made him breakfast and left him a note. He poured himself some juice and sat at the table where the food was and read the note. She mentioned that she had to leave; however, she was coming back and taking Eli shopping and it clearly mentioned that he couldn't protest, there were no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

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