9:I Miss You

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《 E S M E ' S P O V 》

"Esmeralda! Despertate!" I feel someone trying to shake me awake. They sound hurried and upset. "Esemeralda! Ya! Ahora!" 

I slowly begin to open my eyes. My mom hovers over me with tears in her eyes. This makes me become more alert.

"Mama?  What's wrong?" I sit up in my bed.

"Mi hija, Ariel's family got into an accident on their way to Texas. It's really bad." She says, the tears finally spilling out.

Her words hit me. Hard.

I look at the clock on my side table. 5:37 am.

"This isn't something to joke about, Mama! Please tell me you're joking!" I say still in shock tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I wouldn't joke about my sister getting in an accident, Esmeralda." She says sternly. That's true she loves my aunt, Silvia (Ariel's mom), too much. "Quickly pack a small bag! We're going down South Carolina to the hospital where they're located." She instructs me and then leaves my room.

I can't believe it. Their my only family on my mom's side! Besides Alec and Ariel being my cousins they're my best friends. I can't lose them.

I quickly call Charlotte wanting to inform her about what's happening. I grab my backpack and start throwing clothes in while waiting for Charlotte to pick up.

"Esme? What the hell are you doing calling me this early?" She yawns.

"Charlotte..." I sob.

Hearing me cry causes her to become completely awake. "Esmeralda? Are you crying? What happened?"

I just sob even more.

"Esmeralda Paulina Mendez! Tell me what happened this instant!" She demands sounding uneasy and unprepared for what's coming.

"Lottie," I take a take deep breath. "Alec and Ariel's family are in the hospital."

I hear a gasp come from the other side of the phone.

"No!" She yells. "Esmeralda! No they can't be! We just saw them a few hours ago! Esme, please tell me it's not too bad, please." She starts sobbing as well.

"My mom says it's pretty bad." I wipe my eyes and grab my packed bag. "We're going to the hospital in South Carolina."

"Can I come with you?"

**One week later**

《 E R I C K ' S  P O V 》

Me (As Elias): Ariel?

Me: Please answer.

Me: I miss you.

Me: Did I do something?

Me: Please. I'm begging you. Please answer me :'-(

Me: princesa por favor

I know it's only been a week and it might seem like I'm over reacting but I have this dark feeling in my gut. We used to message each other at the least 3 times a week and now she hasn't answered me in a whole week. A whole week. I know Ariel wouldn't just leave me with a reason or an explanation. I don't think I've done anything to upset her. Sure I flirt with her sometimes and call her things like Mami or princesa but she never says anything about it and just goes with it.

"Erick! Hermano!" Chris snaps me out of my thoughts and I look up to where he's standing. "Stop worrying about her messaging you. Maybe she's busy with her vacation or something."

"But Chris she promised she'll message me everyday anyway. I know I sound very clingy but at this point I don't even care." I run a hand through my undone hair, frustrated.

Zabdiel enters the living room probably listening to our conversation from the kitchen.

"To be honest I think it's for the best if she stops talking to you, hermano. This way you're out of trouble. Remember? We have to focus on our career and then relationships. Plus she doesn't even know who you are!" Zabdiel gives us his opinion.

I stand up angrily. "You don't understand, Zabdiel! I really really care about her and I like her so much. And I have this very bad feeling. As if something happened to her."

I walk to my room without saying another word but I know both the boys are giving me sad looks.  

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