5: Drama Queen Zabdiel

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《 E R I C K ' S P O V 》

Me: I may not be your father but I could be your daddy. ;)

I smirk. Me encanta hablar con alguien que no sabe quien  realmente soy. I still can't believe I let that name slip. The good thing is that Ariel didn't even take notice of it. Blame it on autocorrect and everyone believes you.

"¿Con quién estás hablando,Erick ?" I hear Chris ask.


"Erick, are to talking to a fan?" I hear Joel ask behind and I try to hide my screen but it was too late.      "You can't talk to fan like that! If someone finds out about this you're in big trouble." He scolds me.

"Calmade, Joel. Ella no sabe que soy yo."

"That's even worse!" Zabdiel suddenly jumps into the conversation. "Isn't it like, illegal to pretend to be someone you're not?"

"Listen, if I do get in trouble I won't drag the four of you down with me. You guys can just pretend not to know anything." I shrug. Wait, where's Richard? Eh probably eating.

"Oh Dios mío! What if the police gets involved! It's also illegal to lie to an officer I'm not doing that! Fuck! We're gonna die!" Zabdiel pretends to have a break down.

"Drama queen Zabdiel." Joel coughs.

"Find the chill." Chris puts his hand up to his forehead and pretends to be looking for something. "Chill not found." He concludes.

I burst out in laughter. Zabdiel punches Christopher who is closer to him and soon both are wrestling on the floor.

"WE BROUGHT FOOD!" Yashua & Richard stand in the door way with 4 boxes of pizza. Christopher and Zabdiel immediately stop and take the top box.

 "Hey! Why is this box empty?" Chris asks.

"Yashua and I may have gotten hungry."

"So you ate the entire pizza?"

The brothers just shrug in response. "Well, the box is empty isn't it?"

I was too entertained I forgot to check if Ariel had responded.

《 A R I E L ' S P O V 》

Me: You're fucking disgusting! You're so lucky I don't block you right now.

Elias: I'm disgusting? Haven't you read the stories here on Wattpad?

Me: touché

Twenty minutes later and Nash still isn't done.

Buzz. Buzz.

The caller id says it Esme.

"Hey, Esme what's up?"

"Have you and Alec left yet? I need a ride."

"Alec had to go somewhere so I'm getting a ride with Nash. Don't you always get a ride with Charlotte?" I ask.

"Yea I do but today she said 'had something to do.' Don't you think they've been acting weird these past weeks?"

"I have noticed. Anyway, just come to front of the school you can ride with Nash and I. If he ever gets finished with his hair." I roll my eyes

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