8:Road Trip

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《 A R I E L ' S P O V 》

"I'm going to miss you guys so much!" Lottie (Charlotte) throws herself at my brother. "Especially you, babe."

She plants a full on kiss on Alec's lips.

After our spy mission 3 months ago Alec and Charlotte finally admitted they were secretly dating. Of course it's weird but apparently they've liked each other for a long time. 

I feign a sad face. "I can feel your towards me, Lottie."

"Oh! Sorry Ariel, would you like a big kiss too?" She puckers her lips.

"Nope never mind!" I laugh as she starts chasing me back into my house. Looking back at Lottie I crash into someone but they hold me place so I don't fall. Soon their arms engulf me into a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you, A" Nash plants a kiss on my forehead.

"I don't get the big deal. I'll only be gone a week." I smile.

"Yea but we're barely ever apart! And you're missing the CNCO concert in two days!" Charlotte exclaims.

"We'll other chances to go together." I say encouragingly.

"Fine then. Next time." She says sadly.

 "Where's Esme? Shouldn't she be here to say goodbye?" Nash asks just as a car comes into our driveway. Out comes Esme looking hurried.

"Thank God you guys aren't gone yet!" She throws herself at me which makes me stumble backwards.

"Calm down Esme." I laugh.

My mom comes into the room carrying my 1 year old sister, Aliana. "Do you have everything, Ariel?"

"Si. Pretty much." Alec and dad had already but my stuff in my the car. I may have over packed just a bit. Oops?

"Three suitcases? Really Ariel?" Alec comes into the house looking tired. " What did you put in there bricks? 

《 E R I C K ' S P O V 》

Me (as Elias): aren't you leaving today? To Texas?

Ariel: Yup. Already left. Almost out of NC.

Me: How is the road trip so far?

Ariel: Terrible. My sister keeps crying -.-

Me: Poor you lol

That's it. I've lost the chance to see her. By the time she's back I'll be in a different state or maybe even country. The US tour is almost over.

《 A R I E L ' S P O V 》

It's 3 in the morning and my dad is still driving. My mom and him have been taking turns driving and taking breaks. Mom and Aliana are already in deep sleep. Meanwhile, Alec and I can't even get a wink of sleep. To distract myself I lean closer forward to look out of the wink shield. Nothing but darkness.

I squint my eyes. There's a shadow coming towards us. A car shadow. I know Alec sees it too,he now has wide, worried eyes, but my dad doesn't see it. Alec covers Aliana leaning to his right where she lays.

"DAD! WATCH OUT!" I warn. My voice full with panic.

He panics and steers the car to the left causing me to crash into the door. My head hits it and I feel a substance dripping onto my hand. Then comes the impact. The sound of crashing metal.

Then darkness.

Emotions 》E.B.CDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora