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Taehyung dragged his heavy case up the stairs and pushed his door open to a familiar room, yet it was one he didn't wish to see again only on Christmas Days when revisiting his parents, or when he felt nostalgic and missed his childhood. But no, he was back at that place some people would call 'home', but Taehyung thought it was just an empty shell of the past he didn't want back, and not the future he would rather be spending with Hoseok.

Although he loved his parents dearly, he didn't see the point of moving away just to move back again. He had thought he finally made a life, but now he was stuck again; a child under his protective parents supervision.

In a matter of about half an hour, Taehyung had unpacked and was layed on his bed scrolling through his phone at some selcas he took with Hoseok. He let out a short giggle as he rewatched Hoseok dancing to Red Velvet in the old front room, with Yoongi layed on the couch behind him attempting to sleep. At the end of the video, Jin walked in from the kitchen and switched off the TV, which ended in Jin and Hoseok shouting at each other. Taehyung stopped filming when Jin had stomped off and Hoseok turned around and winked at Taehyung playful, his laugh being cut in half when the video on his phone stopped.

Taehyungs smile dropped when it ended and he sat up on his bed, letting his legs dangle on the edge and he heaved a sigh. A short knock was heard at the door and he straightened himself up quickly as his mum walked in.

He resembled her alot, they had the same nose, their eyes were the same and when she smiled at him, she shared the same cresent shaped features.

"You ok, Hun?" She asked, pushing her shoulder length hair behind her ear as she leaned down to Taehyungs size while walking over.

Taehyung nodded his head and pushed through a smile as his mother sat down on the bed next to him. "So how was you new roommates? Meet any nice lads?" She said winking.

Taehyungs lip twitched up into a forced smile before it dropped to a frown and he put his hands in his head. A sharp pang hit his heart and ran through his body, shaking him and giving him goosebumps. Mrs. Kim's eyes widened when she realised she had touched upon a touchy subject. "Oh... honey I-"

Her words were cut when short sobs started to escape from Taehyungs mouth, and she moved towards him and hugged him. "Oh, sweetie..." she said, rubbing his arm up and down while her son wept into her neck.

A root of isolation started to grow in Taehyungs stomach, regardless of his mothers care, he didn't feel right when that though of never seeing Hoseok again was permanently injected into his brain. His isolation started to get the better of him, even after the comforting arms of the woman who has been there for him his only life. He thought that he was an idiot, and that no one would ever love him as much as he did to Hoseok.

"I miss him mum..." he wept, more and more sobs and cries messing with his tongue. His mother didn't know what was going on between whatever happened in the past week yet she hugged him close regardless. "I know, sweetie, I know..."

Taehyung sniffled. "A-and t-the worst thing is, is t-that he'll never love me back." He cried, reaching over and wrapping his arms around his mothers small frame. The constant fire of regret and loneliness wasn't burning out, and just settles in his stomach refusing to leave him alone. Although it was the right choice for their relationship, but Taehyung wasn't ready to move on.

His mother hushed him and kissed the top of Taehyungs head. She pulled away and rested her chin on his head now, staring off at a wall and stroking Taehyungs back until his weeps died down.

Mrs. Kim looked down at the boy who was now asleep after his crying and his long day of travelling. He probably wasn't even aware that throughout the past thirty minutes of silence, he had cried himself to sleep in his worrying mothers arms. She lifted him from her chest and pulled the covers over his cold body, as she drew the curtains as night time started to fall. She turned around and walked out, turning the light off on the way and silently wishing her little boy goodnight.


"Miaro Street. Miaro Street... M-Miaro..." Hoseok repeat again and again. He sludged through the rain and a the thunder rolled across the sky. Every physical thing about him resembled that of a zombie. Any one that was actually out this late in the night to see him walked the opposite direction or crossed the street away from the babbling freak. Yet Hoseok trudged on, dragging his feet to the rhythm of the thunder and to the rhythm of his heart beat, squinting his eyes through the darkness.

It was late. Hoseok didn't know this because he was completely delusion. He was tired too, from running, and from lack of sleep, yet he didn't know this either. He had only been away from Taehyung for a few hours, but that's the only thing that has been running through his mind. As the rain created constant streaks down his face, he started to recall the worried look on his friends faces moments.

"Hobi, stop being silly, sit down. If you want to speak to him just call him."

Hoseok shook his head without no emotion on his face as he zipped up his jacket. He had been sat on the couch all day today. The roommates found it scary when he stopped crying and he would stare at the walls like it was a picture, like it was a book. But it was just a wall and Hoseok was one to get bored easily, yet he was sat there like a robot, no responding to anything.

Every now and again he would mumble something about how stupid Taehyung is, and how he need to tell him things, before going silent again.

It scared everyone most when his started to move from his fixed position and start to get dressed when it was 12:00 at night. Jin started to panic when he the reached for the door, walking out in to a night full of theifs and murderers.

Jin grabbed his wrist and pleaded him to stay through his eyes. Hoseok looked back and a flash of nothing shone across his dark iris as he yanked his hand away and ran, faster than any of the other boys, and long enough to stay away. Yet Jin tried, he ran and ran in the pouring rain until he was out of breath, screaming Hoseoks name in terror when he realised he was too quick for him. He watched the moonlight dance over Hoseok figure as he escaped down the street and around a corner in the far distance.

Hoseok walked on and was unaffected by the puddle he just stepped in which wet the whole of his trousers. Regardless, he turned to a street with no apparent streetlights. His vision was limited vastly, only to see the reflection of the moonlight on shiny metal of vechiles parked near an assumption of houses or flats. "Miaro... Street..." he said, heaving a sigh which wasn't audible over the rain.

He tried to recall everything he knew about Taehyungs family home, only ever remembering the name which he didn't know the location, yet was still persistent to find.

"Tae... hyung..." Hoseok said, his legs finally starting to give away after whole two hours of walking in a continuous line to nowhere. The rain was still coating him in an uncomfortable clinging wet coating. He dropped, right near a wall underneath some shelter, where he balled himself up and wept, laying there and waiting until the morning where he can continue his trek.

He didn't cry. He just shivered like a wounded animal. He just layed there and waited, wanting Taehyung more that the warmth that he was positive not to get and the food he silently hoped for. The darkness swallowed him up in the night like he was never even there.


Sorry about the shitty chapter but I couldn't update over the weekend because I was busy with family problems :( but everything has cleared up now and ill assure good chapters for the future <3 love you guiz

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