Teacher in Progress- Chapter twenty three

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Marissa's P.O.V

"Joel I know you hear me!" I screamed at the house. I didn't know which window was his so as I screamed, I walked around. I knew how much Casey wanted him to come and for him to just cancel like that made no sense. They seemed so happy when I saw them the other day. "I'm just going to keep screaming until you come out!" 

I started screaming like those horror movie girls until I couldn't anymore and started coughing. I wasn't leaving until he gave me an explanation. "Joel do you seriously want to lose Casey?! Henry's looking like superman right now!" 

A window opened to reveal a very pissed off Joel. "Get off my lawn Marissa," he ordered but I wouldn't move. 

"Not until you tell me why you're not coming or answering Casey," I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Like she cares," he spat. "Let her go have fun with Henry, she seemed to be doing that before I got there." 

"What the hell are you talking about?" I said and gave him a confused expression. 

"I gave up on relationships because of bastards like Henry. Bastards who goes after other peoples' girlfriends just for the fun of it. Like he did with Becky," he said sadly.

"I decided to try again but look what happened? The same fucking thing! So let Casey have fun with Henry."

I gave him an incredulous look. "You dumbass! Casey's not cheating on you with Henry! He's coming with us to the bonfire because Eric invited him, that's all. You should really not jump to conclusions." 

"But Henry-"

"I don't care what Henry said. Whatever you think is happening is not. Casey's a good person and I thought that you knew that but obviously not," I said and narrowed my eyes. "I can't believe that you thought someone like Casey would do something like that."

Realization washed over his face before he buried his head in his hands. "You feel that? It's the dumbass settling in!" I said and he glared at me. 

"Is it too late to go?" he asked. 

"Nope, and you're giving me a ride."


Casey's P.O.V.

"Come on Casey, cheer up," Henry said as he put an arm around my shoulder. I didn't even try to shake it off. I didn't understand why Joel would do that and if it wasn't purposely then what happened to him? 

Traffic was horrible and we inched forward. I could feel Derrick getting frustrated. We were going to take two cars but since Marissa stayed behind, we all decided to squish in one so she had some sort of way to get here. If only she could drive.

"God, I should have never came!" Derrick said and I could feel the frustration radiating off of him.

"Calm down, we have plenty of time to get there," Eric said. 

"No we don't. I promised Val we would be there before everyone else. This is just a disaster!" Becky buried her face in her hands. At least I didn't have to tell her about Joel and I. 

"Calm down drama queen," Derrick said before Becky started attacking him. "I'm driving you crazy woman!" 

"You're going to get us killed!" Eric screamed and tried to pull Becky off. 

"We're not even moving!" Becky screamed and I couldn't hold in my laugh. There was no way I could stay in a grumpy mood around them. 

"There's the Casey smile," Henry laughed and I rolled me eyes. "So you're not talking anymore?"

"Nope," I said before covering my mouth as he laughed. "Oh shut up."

After an hour we finally parked and walked to the beach. There was already people there and since the outfit, we could see Valerie conversing will all of them. She didn't look upset. When she saw us, she ran and gave me and Marissa a hug. 

"Finally!" she laughed. "I was running out of stories. Did you bring the stuff?"

"Right here," Becky smiled and held up a bag filled with school things. 

"I decided not to do it on the beach. Fire hazard right? So after the mingling, we're gonna walk to a safe place and burn all these things," she told us. "School is over!" The crowd heard her shout and they all cheered. 

"Only for about two months," I pointed out. 

"Oh don't be a buzz kill," Val said. "Come on and mingle!" she grabbed my hand and pulled me away. 

Since I was, well me, I didn't know more than half the school. So Val took me around and introduced me to all of the people there. After saying hi and having awkward conversations, Henry came ad saved the day.

"Mind if I take her?" he asked Valerie.

"Fine, but we're not finished yet Case," she said and giggled. Henry led me away from the crowd and we started a walk on the sand. 

"Thank you Henry," I said. "I didn't think I could take any more awkward conversation."

He laughed. "Anytime Case. May I ask why you were so sad?" 

"Because I was suppose to come with Joel but he didn't come. I tried to call him but he wouldn't answer. I don't know if I should be angry or scared."

"You should be happy," he sighed. "Let's go back, I think they're getting ready to leave soon."

"Fine, I hope Marissa would be able to find us." 

"Well where is she?"

"She stayed behind to talk to Joel," I answered and he remained quiet. 

After another hour of mingling- since Valerie found me and dragged me away from Henry- we all grabbed our things and started leaving the beach. I walked with Valerie as she babbled about many different things. My mom and her should really meet. We were about to leave the beach entirely when a familiar car stopped in front of crowd. 

Marissa came running out of the car and her head whipped frantically around. When she spotted me she sighed with relief. I watched as Joel came out of the drivers side and immediately made eye contact with me. He walked towards me until he stood right in front of me. 

"I'm sorry Casey," he said and handed me a rose. I frowned and took it. When I realized it was plastic I smiled. 

"What happened to you?" 

"That doesn't matter. I could tell you but I'll try to forgive and forget. Because I'm in....... like with you," he said and I laughed. "My like will last as long as the pedals don't wither." 

"Now I know it doesn't go like that," I said and wrapped my arms around him and gave him a hug. 

He pulled away smiling. "Cliché moment achieved?"

"Cliché moment achieved," I repeated and kissed him. 

And I knew Becky was probably steaming but that will be a problem for another day. You couldn't please everyone.

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