Teacher in Progress- Chapter eleven

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Saturdays was usually cooking and cleaning day for the Storms. But I just had to get away. My mom took this day seriously and dressed us all up in army pants and black shirts. She even went as far as putting black lines across our cheek. I didn't mind but when my mom told me to get into the stove for extra cleaning I left. I was not getting into the stove so I could become accidental dinner. 

It's been a week since the game and during the week Joel ignored me. He didn't even look at me when I saw him walking the halls as he flirted with everyone. He even made an attempt to making me see him as he drove away in the morning. I didn't know what his problem was, I wanted to reschedule since I saw that it made him upset but he wouldn't even listen to me. 

I even found myself tearing up sometimes when I thought about the cold looks he would give me. I couldn't explain why but it did hurt. 

I sat on the porch with my lap top watching anime but I couldn't help but glance at his house a few times. 

"Come on guys let me help," I heard Marissa whine to my brothers. She came an hour ago to 'help' but she really wanted to just watch them. 

"Marissa for the last time we don't like you," Eric told her but from his voice I could tell he wasn't trying to be mean. Unlike Derrick.

"The only person that liked you was our dog and he's dead!" 

Good thing Marissa wasn't as emotional as me. 

"Well my parents like me and my friends like me," she said and I could see her crossing her arms in my head.

"You want to help?" Derrick suddenly said. "Go clean the stove. Clean it real good."

"Hey don't talk to her like that," my dad's voice boomed. It then grew quiet.

I smiled and turned off my lap top. I heard the front door open and I turned to see my mom come out of the house. Standing there in army pants, a black tank top and hair braided in two going down her back, she looked as if she was about to go on some sort of mission. Which to her was cleaning the house.

"Is there a reason why you're out here and not helping?" my mom asked and placed her hands on her hips. She sat down next to me and draped her arm over my shoulder. "What's wrong Casey?" 

"... Nothing." 

"Your pants are on fire."

"So grab the extinguisher," I said and she laughed. I glanced at Joel's house and my mom noticed. 

"He still isn't talking to you?" she asked and I shook my head. 

"I don't know what I did." 

"Casey you canceled on him for someone else. If you canceled on me for your aunt Lane, I would stop feeding you."

"But mom, I don't see why it matters. It's not like we were friends or anything. This is why I spend all my time on school work. My math homework doesn't get angry if I do my english homework first," I said and slouched while crossing my arms. 

"But if your math homework asked first and you picked the english homework then the math homework has a right to be angry." 

"Technically the english homework asked first, it just didn't have the right assignment," I said and she removed her hand.

"Assignment? Wait, I'm getting confused," my mom said and frowned. "Are we still talking about the same thing here?" 

"Yes, mom. Henry asked first but he didn't know when it was. It isn't my fault that they both picked the same date. Plus Henry's my friend, shouldn't I pick him over a stranger?" 

"You're obviously feeling guilty here so maybe you shouldn't have," she sighed. "I'm so happy I didn't have to go through all of this, all I had to do was do a split and your father was hooked. It really helped in bed-"

"Mom!" I shouted as she laughed. I felt my cheeks redden as she hugged me and continued to laugh. I would never look at them the same ever again. Me and my dad were truly the only normal ones in this house. 

"Hey at least you won't be thinking of Joel anymore."

"Well I wasn't but now I am."

"Maybe you should talk to him," she suggested but I shook my head. I already tried that and he ignored all my attempts. 

"Already tried. He shouldn't be so angry, he doesn't even know me."

"Do I hear talk about boys?" Derrick asked as his head appeared in the doorway. 

"Do I hear the wall calling you? Get moving Derrick," my mom ordered and Derrick left. "Your father must have dropped that boy when he was a baby."

As if hearing his brothers' name, Eric appeared and sat next to us. "Right? I feel like I'm the only normal one," he said sighing. 

"Eric please, I'm trying to talk to mom." I pleaded with my eyes for him to leave but he didn't seem to notice. 

"Can I join the conversation?"

"Boy you are not too old for me to whoop your ass, leave now if you know what's good for you," my mom said.

"Fine," Eric huffed and left.

"Please don't turn into those two," my mom pleaded and I giggled. There was no way that would happen. 

"I won't. I'll just be like Marissa," I joked.

"Like hell you will!" my mom exclaimed and shot up from her chair. I laughed at her expression. "My daughter will not chase anything with a penis. No offense to your friend."

"I was joking," I laughed and my mom rolled her eyes. "But Marissa isn't like that."

"Yeah.... sure she isn't," my mom said said and opened the door. "Now come help clean up."

I stood up and followed my  inside but not before taking another look at Joel's house. 

Teacher in Progressजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें