Teacher in Progress- Chapter twenty one

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Joel was coming over for dinner. When I said soon I didn't mean the next day but he wanted to get it over with. So after picking out something to wear and straightening my light brown hair and pinning my bangs back, I walked down the steps where my family was currently preparing dinner.

"Honey, it's a normal dinner I don't see why you're so dressed up," my mom said after she finished attacking the stove. I didn't even tell them yet that he was coming. 

"You don't have to try to make a great impression. We've all seen you at your worst," Derrick said and I stuck my tongue out at him. 

"Haha Derrick very funny." I rolled my eyes. "I'm not dressed up for you," I said and they all stopped and stared at me. 

"Well where are you going?" my dad asked with a frown on his face. "I told you that you have to tell us in advance if you're leaving Casey." 

"I'm not leaving," I sighed. "Joeliscomigoverfordinner." I thought saying it really quickly would help. 

"I'm sorry what was that?" Eric asked as he put the knife down and turned around. I gulped as I saw the weapons in my family's hand and decided that this probably wasn't the best time to tell them. 

"Joel is coming over for dinner. I invited him," I told them and watched as they all stared at me with confused expression. 

"Sweetie you should have told me if you were inviting one of your friends over," my mom chuckled.

"Especially our neighbor. I wouldn't want him gossiping to the others saying how he had a horrible time. That's what happened to old Sue across the street and now we host neighbor parties in secret. No one wants that soup that's not really soup from her."

"Why would you invite him?" Derrick asked. "Of all people. Him? Are you serious Case?" 

"What happened to he's a bad person?" Eric asked as he crossed his arms. 

"Are you dressing up for him?"

"I found out that he wasn't a bad person," I said smiling. "He's really sweet and fun and just an all around great person. And I like him. I like him a lot." I watched as they all stared at me. "He's my boyfriend," I blurted out. 

"I think I heard her wrong," Derrick shook his head and started walking in circles. 

"Oh my baby!" my mom squealed and ran to me to give me a hug. "I'm so happy for you!"

"Mom really? Did you not hear her?" Eric asked and stared at me with wide eyes. 

"When did this happen?" my dad asked. 

"The fuck you mean 'when did this happen?' It's Joel Mason she's talking about! I can't let this happen," Derrick said and narrowed his eyes at a wall. 

"Watch your language boy," my dad said.

"Come on Derrick, be happy for your sister!" my mom exclaimed and finally let me go. When Derrick pouted my mom completely changed. "Listen either you be happy or you'll get way worse than the wall." She stepped closer to him. "Way worse." 

"Yay Casey!" Derrick said with fake enthusiasm and hugged me. "I'm only doing this because mom scares me," he whispered in my ear and I laughed. 

"I know," I whispered. "Please be nice when he gets here."

Derrick pulled away and gave me an evil smile. "No promises." 

"No wonder you seem so different," Eric mused. 

"Everyone's happy for you, even if it doesn't look like it," my dad assured and I smiled at him. Dinner probably wouldn't be so bad. 


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