Teacher in Progress- Chapter twenty two

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The day of the bonfire, Marissa and Becky spent the time at my house preparing all of us for the night. Before I was even able to stretch and properly open my eyes, Becky was calling me saying her and Marissa were outside and waiting for someone to open the door. My family was still sleeping as we all painted our nails and toes. Val apparently wasn't with us since she was preparing part of the beach for us. I noticed Rein wasn't with us and when I asked Becky she simply said she wasn't feeling well.

Just knowing that Becky lied about it made everything more terrifying. I bet Rein was in a corner of her house crying and shaking. I didn't know how I was suppose to tell my new friend but it was too late to back down. Especially since Joel was coming later before all of us left. I told him about Becky and even though he said he didn't care, I could tell he did. We spent most of the day in my room putting on the revealing clothes that I'm sure would spark trouble for my family and curling our hair. I thought we were going to go in the water but i was wrong. 

At around six in the evening we left my room and went downstairs but not before I put on a light jacket. 

"Are you really wearing that?" Becky asked and crossed her arms. I didn't want to upset her anymore then she will be when Joel comes so I shook my head. 

"Just inside here, I'll take it off before we leave."

"Fine," she said before we officially went downstairs. My family was in the kitchen for lunch and when we walked in, they all stopped eating their sandwiches. 

"I didn't even know you guys were here yet," my mom frowned at us

"They came before I properly woke up. I didn't want to wake you," I explained and my mom nodded her head.

Eric and Derrick were coming with us because Eric was invited and Derrick didn't want to stay home. Eric wore dark pants and a blue shirt while Derrick stayed in a sleeveless shirt with grey shorts. They also didn't want to go all into the tiki theme. 

"Hey baby," Marissa smiled at Eric and blew him a kiss. I watched as Eric eyes widened before his mouth popped open. 

"Woah, why is she calling you baby?" Derrick asked and I could see the amusement in his eyes.

We all stared at Eric as he stared at Marissa with the same expression before looking at us. 

"It was an accident....the party....I was drunk...she was there." 

"You had sex with her?" Derrick laughed before everyone joined in except pouty Marissa and myself. "At least now I know you were telling the truth." 

"Did you guys use a condom?" my dad asked in a stern tone. 

"Absolutely, I'm way too young to be pregnant," Marissa said and the laughing stopped as my mom gave me a knowing look. I instantly remembered the conversation I had with her and started laughing. Even if what everyone said about her was true, she was still my best friend. 

"What's so funny?" Eric asked me.

"Uh, I was thinking about.... something I was watching," I lied. "It was an episode of Naruto where he accidently kissed Sasuke. It was hilarious."

They all stared at me and the sound of the doorbell saved me from this weird situation. "I'll get it!" I said and ran from the room. 

I was filled with nerves as I walked to the door. I didn't know how I was going to convince Becky not to attack me like she did Rein. But would she really do that? They seemed to be close friends and I only started to really know her about a week ago. Does she have the right to be mad at me? Does she have the right to be mad at anyone really? If they were no longer together, they both had the right to do whatever they want. Sighing, I opened the door.


I stared at a smiling Henry who was wearing jeans and a collared shirt. His blue eyes lit up when he saw me and I remembered what I was actually wearing. 

"Eric asked me to come with you guys," he shrugged. "You look great Casey, but you look great in anything you wear."

"Um, thanks Henry," I said and he smiled. 

"Listen Case, about the day at lunch. I still mean every word and I'm still waiting for you. I just wanted you to know that."

"Henry I'm sorry," I said and he frowned at me. "But I have a boyfriend. Joel. And I do love you but it's not the same way I guess. I really am sorry."

"Joel?" he asked and I nodded. "Oh, wow. Well, can I come in?" he asked and I stepped aside. 

I followed him back into the kitchen where my family was still talking about Eric and Marissa. I didn't feel like participating, espcially with the way Henry kept glancing at me. I could see the sky getting darker and my nerves increased. We were leaving soon and Joel still wasn't here. Eric asked me to help him with something once the door rang. 

"I'll get it," Henry said and left before I could protest.

Henry's P.O.V.

I walked to the door with a huge smirk on my face. When Casey told me it was Joel that was her boyfriend, I almost laughed. It was like history was repeating itself. I opened the door and watched as Joel's smile turned into one of anger. 

"De ja vu isn't it?" I asked before laughing. 

"What the hell are you doing here Henry?" he spat and I watched as his hands clench at his sides. 

"I'm going to the bonfire with Casey, of course. What are you doing here?"

He took a threatening step forward but I was unfazed. "You know what? I don't need this, I knew it was a bad idea," he shook his head and turned to walk away. 

Casey's P.O.V

I watched as Henry came back in the room with a big smile on his face.

"Someone seems happy," Marissa teased and Henry chuckled.

"I'm always happy."

"Who was at the door?" I asked. 

"Oh, it was nobody," he shrugged.

It was time to leave and Joel still didn't show up. I called him many times but it went straight to voicemail. I didn't know what was wrong but I was going to find out. 

"You ready Casey?" Becky asked as we all walked to the door. 

"Umm... I.." I looked desperately back down at my phone and frowned when nothing happened. We planned this and he basically just canceled without telling me why. What if something happened to him? 

"I'll meet you guys there," Marissa suddenly said and my head snapped toward her. "I forgot to do something. Don't worry, I'll find a ride there." 

"Marissa this is not the time to be hoe-ing," Derrick said earning a few laughs. 

"I'm going to find out what's wrong. You go and have fun and I'll meet you there," she whispered to me. 

"No, I should do it," I whispered back. 

"You just said ummm I," she chuckled. "You're not much of a talker. Don't worry I'll catch a ride with him."

I smiled and gave Marissa a hug. "Thank you."

"Hey it's what I'm here for."

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