chapter seven

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Authors note : I know I promised I would put this up on Saturday. But something happened in my family that couldn't wait. So I am posting today in hopes to make your Memorial Day alot more enjoyable.
The 'italics like this' are liams ideas for his new song for Jessica.

Zayn's pov ( hospital )

I had just started to relax and close my eyes when I heard a male voice call out, "family and friends for Jessica Rose?"
I jumped up out of my seat and made my way over to the doctor. He was tall but looked no older than my dad. So stopping right in front of him I held out my hand and introduce myself.
"Hi I am zayn malik, I brought Jessica in. Is everything okay?"
The guy looked at me up and down taking in my black skinny jeans and my untucked shirt like he was inspecting me. Just when I got tired of holding my hand out to the guy he hold out his hand for me to shake.
"Hi Mr. Malik, I am Dr. Phillips. I am Jessica's perminate doctor here. I have a few questions for you in regards to jess. Then I can tell you what's going on."
I nodded to him indicating that I understood. He then nodded and gave a small smile. "Shall we walk toward her room?"
Again I just nodded. He turned on his heels and we proceeded to walk down the hall for quite a bit till we reached room 205. Along the way he asked me a series of questions about Jess and how she has been doing over the last couple of days. I answered him the best that I could, but what floored me next was he asked me how she got sick. I had to think for a minute because I didn't know what to really say. So the answer I gave was she went outside to watch the rain and stayed out there to long and ended up like this.
I watched the doctor nod and write things down in his folder. When he finished he closed the file and looked at me very seriously.
"Okay, thank you Mr. Malik for that information. Well as far as Jessica goes.
She is in stable condition, but due to her weak immune system she contracted a very bad case of pneumonia. This is an infection that inflames the lungs and causes breathing problems. This also leads to getting fluid build up in the lungs."
When he finished speaking my mouth was on the floor and I am pretty sure my heart dropped to the floor with it. For here is a girl who just got cured of cancer and now is back in the hospital due to liams stupidity.
"So what can we do now? How can we get her better? What medicine will help her."
The doctor look taken back by my questions I threw at him. After gathering his thoughts he opened the file in his hand which I gathered was Jessicas. He flipped papers up and down and looked them over.
"Well right now we have her on antibiotics to help reduce the fever and cold. We also have inserted a tube down to go down into her lungs to help remove the fluid that built up. She also has a breathing mask on to help her get oxygen. Then there is a standard iv in her arm that will help giver nutrition in which her antibiotics get fed through."
Shock that is all I was able to feel. Jessica doesn't deserve this.
I shake my head and come to the understanding that until her immune system gets stronger she has to be careful with what she can and can't do.
"So Dr. Phillips, is there anything I can do to help her? Food, vitamins, activities? Anything?"
He looks at me for a minute with eyes wide. It looked like he was in shock by me asking that. Then he smiles and nods.
"Parden me for my suprised expression."
I looked at him confused for a second and apparently he saw and laughed. I was taken back by his laugh.
"Sorry for laughing Mr malik. The reason I am so suprised is because you are the first person to actually care about jessica."
That also got me confused as well. What did he mean by that? Surely her parents cared? But before I could think of anything else my thoughts were interrupted by the doctor.
"Though to answer your question. Yes there are tons of ways you can help Ms. Rose. I will gladly print out information for you on how to help her. From foods to vitamins and exercise."
I smiled for the first time today. But I was still confused. Didn't her parents care. I know jess told me about her parents and how they treated her when she was younger but still didn't they care?
The doctor noticed my confusion.
"What's wrong?"
"Well didn't her parents come and take care of her? Did they know all this?"
He nods at me. "To answer your question. I barely saw her parents. They would either drop her off here and then they would pick her up three day later when her treatment was done. To you your second question yes they are aware of jessica's heath. I gave them the same information I will give you."
When he said that my mind exploded with more thought about how her life at home was after she left here. I was I was furious with everything. Her parents weren't there. She was alone to deal with on herself. Those bloody pricks. That's it she will be my responsibility. I will am determined to make her better and into the jessica I knew three years ago.
"Dr. Phillips I need you to get me all the papers on her health and how to help strengthen her immune system. I also need the paperwork that makes me her emergency contact and the ones that make me fully responsible for any and all medical treatment and bills."
The doctor smiled widely at me and places his hand on my shoulder and nods.
"Thank you son. You are truly her savior. I was beginning to think she had no one that cared about her. We here at the hospital are glad she is no longer alone. I will grab the paperwork for you."
I nod and walk towards jessica's door and open it. As I walked in I saw my best friend on that hospital bed and I broke down. My heart broke for her. There she was hooked up to machines and all pale. I walked over to the chair that was beside her bed and sat down and stared at her. I realized now that she looks nothing like the little girl I knew three years ago.
Back then she had long black hair and her eyes were a brighter brown then what they were at the barbaque. Now she is curvier and filled out more. She just doesn't have any hair now.
I was sitting there thinking about jess and her parents when my phone went off. I looked at jess on the bed while I pull out the phone. It light up saying liam was calling. I sighed and answered my phone.
"What liam?" I said still annoyed with him.
"Where are you? Your not in the lobby."
His voice sounded hoarse like he had just been crying or something.
" I am in jessica's room with her." I replied still looking at her on the bed.
"What room?" Liam asked desperately.
"Room 205." I gave the reply and not a second later my phone clicks off.
I sat my phone on the table when suddenly I hear pounding feet running down the hall. I went to get out of the chair when the door burst open revealing eight people. My eyes instantly turned to Liam as I watched him look at his girlfriend.

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