chapter eight

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*sorry I have been gone for so long. I had some family issues that needed to be taken care of. But I am back and I am going to start updating regularly again. Thank you for your support and thank you for continuing to read my story.*

I spent a total of three days in the hospital. The boys and girls were really great about visiting me and looking after my needs..well not all of the girls. For some reason Maddison and El don't like me and they openly show it too by the look on their faces.
So three days of doctors and nurses coming in and out of my room to check on me or bring me vile tasting food that looked like it came out of a garbage truck. Three days of Liam constantly apologizing to me for leaving me out on the road and making me sick. When in fact he never made me sick. My immune system is very weak and I can pick up any type of sickness right now. All I did was give Liam a small smile and a nod with every sorry that came out of his mouth.
Though out these days in bed my mind kept racing. Where was I to go? Nobody wanted me. My parents tossed me out and my grandparents are told old to constantly look after me and the boys don't need the added stress. So how do I tell the boys that I need to leave and find a place to stay? I know once I say something Liam will argue with me and beg me to stay with him but with his busy schedule how can he stay with me? The boys would also beg me to stay and I knew deep in my heart that I didn't want to leave them. They are suck a big part of my life now. They were my friends and slowly they were becoming my family.
While I love my stay here at the hospital I have noticed that none of the doctors would directly talk to me about my condition. I would ask questions and they would briefly give me answers but when I asked them to explain they just patted my knee and walked out. But what really got me was that out of the joys I saw Zayn the most. I watched him talk to my doctors and fill out paperwork and sign a bunch of stuff that the doctors gave him. I have yet to ask him about that due to the fact that I didn't want to cause a scene. I also noticed that Zayn was always present when the doctors came to check up on me. He always asked questions and got answers. I was beginning to be a little suspicious.
Finally after those three days my solitude was ended and I was free to go. I was waiting in my room for the doctor to give me my discharge papers but when he came in he said the boys are waiting outside the door. I asked about paperwork and he said it was already done. I was confused but didn't press my luck.
I jumped off the bed and walked out of the hospital room and was greeted by five overly excited boys. Three of which rushed up to me and engulfed me in a tight hug. I laughed a bit as they released me. Backing away I turned to Liam and smiled. He held out his hand to me. I hesitantly grab it as he tugs me along.
"Come on love let's get you home." He said to me smiling.
At that word 'home' my heart started to beat faster my breathing got shorter. My vision blurred I couldn't see in front of me anymore. All I heard was my father telling me that they were leaving and that I had to get my stuff and find some where else to go. I knew the boys house was not my home which ment I had to go to my grandparents house and leave them. My body started to shake and I barely registered arms wrapping around my waist. I tried to look up but I couldn't recognize the face. I assumed it was liam but I wasn't sure.
I heard multiple voices asking me if I was okay. But I couldn't answer. Liam's voice echoed in my ear, "baby girl what's wrong?" He said it so softly to me as his hand slowly caressed my cheek. He acted and spoke to me like at any given second I was going to break and maybe in hind sight I was. For I knew if I opened my mouth and said anything to them I would shatter more and fall to peices. I moved my head back and forth as my breathing got even shorter and my body constantly shook.
I know he tightened his grip around almost to a point of it hurting. I kind of felt safe in his arms but they weren't the ones that I wanted. I kept crying and trying to catch my breath but it was hard. I was not only hurting myself but also the boys as well.
All of a sudden I was pulled out of liams arms and into someone elses. When I was pulled into their arms and chest I noticed a different smell. A smell I haven't smelled in three years. I nestled closer to that smell that once used to comfort me. I held tight as I heard his voice. It was the same accent as that moment I knew it was Zayn. He always spoke to me softly and slowly so I heard every word.
"Jess, love, listen to my voice. I need you to calm.down for me sissy. I am here and nothing will hurt you again. I need you to listen to my heart and breath in and out to my heart beat. Breath in...and now out. That's right keep doing that."
I listened to the voice as it told me what to do. Slowly my heart beat slowed down and my breathing was normal. I could finally see everything again. I looked up at Zayn as the other boys slowly walked towards us. "Thank you." I said in barely a whisper.
I turned around in Zayn's arms and looked at the boys. Three out of the four had worried looks on their faces. Louis and harry looked like they just wanted to take me in their arms and cuddle me. But I didn't move from my safe spot for fear that if I did I would panic again. It was then that I notice that zayn and I were on the floor. We went to stand up but my knees buckled under me and almost sent me falling face first to the floor. I saw louis, Harry and Niall rush forward as if to catch me but I was already caught by zayn. I gave gave a smile smile and looked back at the guys. I noticed liam face as it heald anger and his eyes held jealousy as they turned black with rage. His hands were fisted as his breaths came out heavily through his nose. I shook in fear. For I never have seen him like this. He didn't look like my liam.
Suddenly everything happened so fast. Liam marched right up to us and went to grab me but I just shook my head. I think that made him even more mad. Then I was suddenly passed to one of the boys. I looked up briefly and saw I was with louis.
I watched as liam grabbed zayn by his shirt and pull him face to face. I watched silently letting tears fall down my cheeks as harry and niall tried pulling liam off zayn. But Liam never let go as he started yelling at him.
"What is your problem zayn? I had the situation under control with jessica. She would of calmed down. But no you had to be the fucking hero again huh?"
I watched as zayn said nothing. Which in a sense made me happy but happiness doesn't last long. As liam continues to yell.
"Ever since jessica got here you haven't left her side. The doctors go to you and not me. Telling you everything that is wrong with her and not me. I am her fucking boyfriend you prick. So tell me why? Why you and not me?" He yelled into Zayn's face.
The rest of the boys and I were shocked that liam yelled and cussed at Zayn. After all he is daddy direction. At that moment liam almost looked positively evil. I backed up away from the boys and slid against the wall almost to scared to move as we all waited to see what zayn had to say.
With a deep breath zayn turned his head and looked me straight in the eyes for a brief moment noticing my scared and panicked look. Liam must of noticed too for he shook zayn which cause him to look away from me. Zayn's eyes from what I could tell held both sadness and love. But it wasn't the type of love that was always in liams eyes when he looks at me. Zayn's eyes held a brotherly love just like they held three years ago. I let a sigh out. I was tired and scared. Scared of what was going to be said and where I was going to go. I leaned against the wall as zayn silently and softly answered liam.
"The reason the doctors told me everything was because I got legal guardianship over jessica. Her parent signed all the papers and her grandparents agareed with me that I was the best to take care of her. Sure she beat cancer but she is still weak. Her body was slowly shutting down. So by gaining legal guardianship of her I can take care of all her medical affairs and health."
I sucked in my breath I couldn't listen to anymore. This was just to much for me in one day. I stood from the wall and made my way to the bathroom. The boys never heard or paid attention to where I went. I looked in the mirror and saw a pale sickly girl that was all skin and bones. Short buzzed hair and red rimmed eyes from crying. I looked away from my depressing image and slid.down the wall bringing my knees to my chest. I had so many questions running through my head. I can't believe zayn is my gardian. He took responsibility for me when he didn't have too. He still cared after all these years. But even so..does that mean he knows away bout what my parents told me? How they didn't want me anymore. What about my grandparents? Did they not want me too? Is that why they gave zayn guardianship? Am I really not wanted anymore? So many thoughts running through my head. It's making my head pound. I decided to lay my head down on my knees and close my eyes. The only question left that passed through my head was..what is going to happen to me now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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