chapter three

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I woke up to an arm tightening it's grip around me. I smiled as I remembered I was at liams and that we be came a couple last night. I even told him I loved him. I hope he didn't hear that and think I rushed in saying those words.
It's just that Liam makes me really happy. He makes me feel things I never felt before. It's like I only had half a heart and soul until liam came along. He brings out the smiles and makes me laugh more than I ever did over these last four years. I really don't think I would be this way if I didn't meet liam when I did.
When I was sick I barely spoke to anyone. My parents tried getting me to talk, they even asked my former friends to visit. But was pointless, they never said anything to me. So when I bumped into liam, it was like my world and life had meaning to it again. It was like he was the light to my darkness.
I brought myself out of my depressing thoughts and looked back at liam. He looked so cute sleeping. He had his black pillow under his head along with his arm. Slowly I lifted his arm off me and slid out of bed fixing his covers over him. I got my phone and snapped a quick picture of him.

 As I turned around from the bed I caught my first glimpse of liam room

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As I turned around from the bed I caught my first glimpse of liam room. I cloths scattered on the floor. I tried not to laugh so I covered my mouth. I noticed a hamper in the corner of his room so I picked up all his cloths and placed them in the hamper. Slowly his room started to look normal. I wiped pictured and his dresser off. The pictures were of his family and of him and the boys. But from the looks of it he had two older sisters, I smiled at that. He was very family oriented. Finally liams room was cleaned and I could make out that his all around theme in here was classic black and white. It had nice feel to it. I walked over to the door and looked back at liam one more theme before heading out and going downstairs.
I tried being quiet and I guess I succeeded for when I reached the bottom of the stairs I heard talking from the kitchen.
"Zayn, Harry, I am hungry. Can't you make something for me to eat please?"
That sounded like niall and from what I learned about him yesterday was that he loved food. I silently laugh.
"Mate, we don't know how to cook. You will have to wait." Said wither Harry or Zayn. Niall sighed and I heard the girls giggle.
Having decided that I listened long enough. I fixed my scarf on my head and walked into the kitchen.

 I fixed my scarf on my head and walked into the kitchen

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When I walked in everyone turned to look at me. I waved and smiled. The boys and Kasha all got up and ran to me. They brought me into a group hug. I just laughed. They were so funny. When they pulled away Niall asked, "can you cook?"
I nodded and giggled.
The boys all cheered, I gave them a stern look making them quiet down. They looked at me sheepishly.
"You boys need to be quiet. Liam is still sleeping. Now you four are going to help me find everything we need for breakfast."
They nodded their heads and replied, "yes mommy."
I looked at them weirdly, not quite understanding why they called me that. The boys ran into the kitchen and I guess started pulling out ingredients for breakfast. Kasha saw that I was confused and came over to me.
"It's okay jess. But let me enlighten you since you are confused. The boys call you mommy because you scolded them just like liam would. They call liam daddy, due to him being the more responsible one of the group. He tends to make sure things run smoothly."
I looked at her and finally began to understand. I laughed and nodded at her and then motioned for to follow me. Leaving the other three girls by themselves.
When we walked into the kitchen we saw the boys lined up around the counter with pans and breakfast ingredients laying out.
The boys smiled proud at themselves and so did I. "Thanks boys. Now go sit with your girls and please remember to stay quiet."
They did as they were told as I went and started pouring out pancake mix into into a bowl and mixed it together with water. Then I got another bowl and cracked eggs to scramble. I added a little bit if cheese to them. Then I cut up onions, peppers and potatoes and put them in a pan with a little bit if oil and heated them up to cook. While I was cooing I cut up fruit so serve I was doing all this I heard giggling in front of me. I looked up and say Harry and Kasha sitting together with there faces close to each other and whispering back and forth to each other. I smiled at them.
When they noticed me looking they blushed a bright red.
"Oh guys don't be embarrassed, you two are cute."
They smiled at me. I looked back at et my food and continued to stir the potatoes and flip pancakes. As I was cooking Harry cleared his throat. I looked up at him and smiled.
"Jess, why are you wearing a scarf on your head? We already know you don't have hair. So there is no need for you to wear it. We don't care."
I gave a small smile and looked down. I didn't know what to say. I felt insecure about having no hair and yesterday Perrie and Eleanor made me feel not wanted her because of the way I looked.
As I opened my mouth to speak, Kasha beat me to it. "Jess, I see the look on your face. I see that you have alot of insecurities, but you shouldnt. You want to know why?" I nodded at her. "Jess, it's because it shouldn't matter what other people think of you. We don't care what you look like because we got to know the real you and you are amazing. Plus you have liam and he doesn't care what you look like either. All he sees is a beautiful, strong, confident and loving girl who over came something very hard and traumatic. That's what you are Jessica. Plus you have me and the boys and like I said we like you for who you are. And those who don't except you for who you are as a person are loosers."
I stared at her in awe and watch Harry nod in agreement. I walked around the counter and hugged them both.
"Thank you Kasha, I just think me covering my head will make a few people more comfortable this morning. Even though you and the boys welcomed me without judgment there are a few who felt uncomfortable with me. So I am trying to be polite to them." I said this as I walked back around and over to the stove.
They were silent for the rest of the time I was cooking. Then just as I was about done I felt an arm snake around my waist and the other on my scarf and pull it off. I turned around to grab it and saw that Liam was up and now holding my scarf in his hand. He smiled at me and bent down to kiss my lips.
"You don't need the scarf. Your perfect without it." I smiled and blushed. Then I looked over at Kasha and she gave me a knowing smile that said 'I told you so' look. I finished making breakfast and laying it out in a buffet line when I called everyone in. I heard yelling and running but before anyone could grab food I yelled.
Everyone stopped and looked at me.
"There will be no yelling and grabbing this morning. Now form a line and niall go last that way you can have everything that is left."
They all nodded and did as they were told saying, "Yes mommy."
Liam laughed and grabbed me back to him. "Hi mommy" he said with amusement in his eyes. I laughed too.
"Hi daddy."
We both laughed and got in line in front of niall. As we sat down and ate our food liam kissed my cheek.
"You know it's funny they never listen to me like that."
The boys laughed and said, "we like her better than you."
Liam pouted and leaned over and kissed his pout. "It's okay liam, I still love you."
Everyone falls silent and I saw liams eyes go wide. The boys coughed and everyone picked up their plate and walked into the kitchen leave me and liam alone.
I remain silent trying to hold my tears. Then liam grabbed my hands and made me face him.
"Is it true love? That you actually already love me only after after a week?"
I nodded. "Yes it's true liam. You have no idea what you mean to me." I say looking into his brown eyes.
He smiled at me. "Please tell me."
"Liam, when I found out I was sick I shut the world out. I barely spoke or ate anything. The life was drained out of me. I was told I lost the light in my eyes. I never smiled anymore to anyone. That went on for four years. The day I found out I beat my cancer I was happy but I hardly showed it. Then I bumped into you coming out of the elevator and I looked at you. When I looked into your eyes something in me shifted. You made me feel things I never felt before. It's like before you I only had half half a heart and soul and when I looked at you it made me feel complete.. I felt safe for the first time in four years. You made me smile and laugh that day too. According to my parents there was new light in my eyes after that day we met and started talking to you. I know I wouldn't be the person I am right now if I didn't meet you. So yes liam I do love you."
When I looked up I saw tears in liams eyes.
"Liam please don't cry. I didn't mean to make you sad."
He shook his head and leaned forward and kissed me deeply. It was as if he was trying to show me how much my words ment to him. He pulled me up from my chair and pulled me onto his lap so that I was straddling him. I let my fingers tangle in his hair as he pulled my body closer to his.
When he did pull aways from me he placed his head on mine. With my eyes still closed I felt his breath against my face.
"I love you too Jessica." I smiled. "Oh and by the way thank you for cleaning my room." He pecked my lips and hugged me.
As we were hugging we heard the door of the kitchen creak open but we ignored it until we heard five voice yell, "AWE!!!"
Liam and I laughed. I turned around in liams lap and looked at my new friends and just smiled the biggest smile I could.
The rest of the day was fun and relaxing. We watched movies and joked around. That was until liam had to take me home. Niall begged for me to stay so I could cook for him. Everyone laughed laughed and just pulled him into a great big hug.
Today was absolutely the best. I have five great friends and one amazing boyfriend.

Liam's POV ( driving home)

Today was unbelievable. Jessica is truly something else. She are what dreams are made of. She is absolutely perfect. I don't know how many times I will call her that but she is. She cleans, cooks and knows how to have fun. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend.
The boys adore her and listen to everything she say. Hmmm maybe I can convince Paul and Simon to let me bring her on our next tour. If the boys listen this good to her here I bet they will listen to her on tour too. Heck they even call her "mommy direction." That made me so happy. I finally found the best girl in the world. She completes me just like I complete her. Plus she loves me for me and not because I am famous. That makes my heart swell. I can't stop smiling.
I really do love her and I can't wait to see where our relationship leads us too. So with that thought I park my car in the drive way and head inside to bed.

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