Chapter 1

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I was sitting on the hospital bed like I did every week since I was thirteen. Just staring at the walls and listening to the clock tick as the doctor went on and on about the results of my cancer screen. Talking about how this final treatment was a success and that i was in remission. Now don't get me wrong I am happy, I really am. But the thought of leaving here after so long was hard. I had friends here and family as well. I take a deep breath and look at my mother. She isnt smiling or reacting like I had hoped she would. I thought she would be happy. Happy that I wouldn't have to come back here anymore, that her and my father can finally watch me be a normal teenager and graduate high school. Watch me make some friends. But those are just dreams. None of that is real for me. I could tell they didnt want me to come home. They wanted me to stay here and rot away from cancer. I saw out of the corner of my eye my mother shake they doctors hand and get up and walk out the room without me. I wish I could feel the relief of leaving this place but I dont. I am scared of what is outside those doors waiting for me.
    I jumped off the table and send a wave and small smile to the doctor who became like a father to me as I slowly followed my mother to the elevator.
    Right as I get there the elevator opens and we step in and head down to check out. The ride was silent as my mother said nothing to me nor I to her. We didnt have a relationship at all which is sad really, but like everything else I got over not having one. As the elevator stops to let us out  me being me wasn't looking where I was going, which sadly is very typical of myself. I ran into someone and lost my balance and fell down on my butt and hands. It hurt alot and I can bet there will be a bruise there in a few short hours. As I was contemplating about how sore my butt was and the possibility of how big a bruise I would have later, I didn't realize that the person I bumped into was actually trying to speak to me.
    I eventually did look up and the stranger in order to answer their question. But the first thing I saw when I looked up was big brown eyes looking straight at me. They were so rich and deep that no other word but beautiful couldn't describe them. My breath caught in my throat as my heart started beating super fast. Just looking into his eyes alone made it feel as if time stopped and it was just me and him while the world faded away. After what seemed like forever I was able to look away from his eyes and notice his hand stretched out for me to take. I slowly let my fingers touch his hand and as i touched him I felt shocks go through my hand and go up my arm. It was like my whole body was electrocuted.  As he pulled me up I let my eyes take in the rest of him in. He was tall and well built, he looked to be about a good foot and a half taller than my five foot frame. His hair was brown  with blonde tinted to it. His hair curled but yet at the same time it was wavy, his skin was lightly tan like it had just been kissed by the sun. He was dressed nice in regular blue jeans and a blue polo. I was completely speachless.
    It was while I was looking at him that I notice his mouth moving. Great he was trying to talk to me while I was eye rapinig him.
   How embarrassing. So with a slight blush on my face I looked down at the floor wishing it would swallow me up to save me from making a even bigger fool of myself. It's one of those book moments where I wish I had hair so I could hide my face in it and then he would lift my face up just to look at me and smile. But this reality and in reality I have no hair and so taking a deep breath I looked up at him. I gave him a shy, yet small smile. He smiled back at me and I swear I felt my heart skip a few beats it made me feel content and safe. His hand was still holding mine and it felt like my hand was ment to fit just in his. The shocks were still tingling up my arm. I was happy.
    I watched his facial expression as he realized he still had a hold of my hand. His eyes were big, like he got shocked, then after a second it went to calm. but from the looks of it I think he felt the same thing I felt.      

      While watching him I let out a giggled which in turn made him smile too. 
  "I am so sorry, I wasn't watching were I was going. My name is Jessica Rose. What's yours?" I said while still holding his hand. When he didnt say anything right away I notice he was still staring at my hand. I gently let go of his hand making him jump and look at me. It was when I let go of his hand that I felt cold. It felt like I was missing part of me.
   I heard him slightly laugh which got me to look up at him with a small smile on my face. I was confused on why he laughed but didnt question it. He shook his head and asked, "Do you know who I am?"
Again I looked at him with confusion on my face as I thought to myself was I supposed to know him? Shrugging I shook my head, "No am I supposed to know you?"
He started laughing again. At this point I was so confused and starting to get slightly frustrated. I didn't like being laughed at it made me feel like I was stupid. I sighed and shook my head. Maybe I was stupid i mean he thinks i should know who he is and all that, but I dont. Maybe it would be better if I just walked away. So that I what I did.
I was almost to the door when I heard running behind me. I turned half around just in time to see him catch up to me. He was reaching out for my hand to stop me. I looked at him waiting for him to say something.
     "Look I am sorry for laughing at you. I didnt mean to hurt your feeling or make you feel stupid. It's just I am so used to people knowing who I am."    I give him a questioning look hoping he would clear this up.
   "It's a little refreshing and yet it's a little bit funny at the same time when someone doesnt know me." Again I give him a questioning look. Still confused on where this was going. "My name is Liam, Liam Payne. It's a pleasure to meet you. "
I looked at him to see a smile on his lips and for a second I just looked at him wondering if he will say anymore. When he didnt I gave him a smile and nodded my head.
  As I was about to ask him another question the elevator doors dinged open. We both turned to look who it was. To my surprise it my doctor. By the looks of it I would say he was done for the day as he isn't wearing his white coat. He was walking  toward the sliding doors when he notices that i was standing right there.   I hold my breath as he stops and looks at me. He places a gentle hand on my shoulder and gave me a light squeeze. He gives me a genuine smile one which I return as well.
"Oh hello Jessica, I thought you were already gone? After all you left my office so fast."
I look down upset with myself, "i am sorry."
He laughs, which I smile at, "it's okay dear. I just wanted to tell you that I am extremely happy for you and that I am very proud of you."
I felt my heart fill up with happiness and my eyes fill with tears as he said that. "Thank you."
"You know, your not the same girl I watched walk in here four years ago. I have watched you grow up in these walls. Seen you struggle and almost give up. I watched you over come many trials of up and downhill battles. I watched as days passed and no one but myself and the nurses came to see you. I watched you as gain strength and fight harder then you ever had before. It's sad to see you go but I as so glad that you beat this. I am so proud to call you my patient. Plus I am even happier to say that I will have the pleasure of only seeing you once a year as part of your healing."
     I smile up at him with watery eyes and without even thinking I rush forward and hug the man that was like a father to me for the last four years I have been here. As I hugged him i looked out of the corner of my eye I see a look of concern on Liams face. I give a small smile in his direction before I pull away from my doctor and look at him.
"I want to say I am happy to leave too, but you know that is a lie. You know what I have been through with my family. They were part of the reason I struggle so much with my treatments. But I want to thankt you Dr Phillips and your team. I want to thank you for making me your family and giving me the strength I needed to over came my sickness. I hope I never get it again but I know that if I do I have you all to help me through. I will see you next year same time and same place." He gives me a knowing smile and a small nod and walks out the door.
I watched my doctor leave the building and I give a heavy sigh as I feel a gentle hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Liam looking at me with sadness in his eyes. I wonder why he is sad? Did I make him sad?
" What's wrong Liam? Why do you look like someone just died? " He shook his head and gave a small smile,
"I didn't realize that you are a cancer patient. "
  It took me a minute to realize what he said and I let a giggle. He looked at me weirdly.
" It's okay Liam. We just met. Plus I dont really give out that information right as I meet someone. But to clear everything up for you, yes I had cancer and I was a patient here. Though as of today I am proud to say I am cancer free and in remission." I smiled at him so happily.
He didnt smile I at me after I said that. Which made me upset. I mean I was happy. But i guess not everyone is like me. I mean look at my mother I knew she wasnt happy with the outcome. But I at least thought he would be happy for me. I look out the door as he spoke up again.
" It's just, I should of guessed, that with the hat on your head that you had something wrong with you."
    I was shocked by that statement he just made. I stepped back from him. I shook my head at him. He just made me feel ashamed that I was sick. My heart broke right then and there. I started crying. I was hurt, I felt alone and I felt insecure. I wiped my eyes not caring if he seen or not.
A few minutes ago I was feeling so happy that I was cancer free but after he said that statement I dont know what I felt. I just wanted to hide away and never be found.
   Liam must of heard my sniffling and started to reach out for me but I stepped back and looked up at him with pain filled eyes. His eyes looked into mine and I saw in his regret. Did he not mean those words? But I will never know because just as Liam was about to talk we heard someone calling his name.
   I watch him turn around to see who was calling his name and we saw a young man running at us. He was wearing red chinos and a stripped shirt to match his pants. When he caught up to us he sounded like he was just finished running a marathon. This just gave me gave me a chance to really look at him. He was slighly taller than me but shorter than Liam. He had brown hair and from the looks of it he had blue eyes.
  I was then pulled away from my looking when this new guy finally got his breathing together. He let out a huff which made me smile. Even if my eyes were red and puffy I still managed to smile.
"Liam mate, come on Niall is waiting for you in his room. He is complaining about wanting real food because the hospital food sucks. He keeps asking for nandos." The guy says over dramatically.
At that point I forgot about my crying or even trying to hide my laughing from them. my laugh drew the attention of both guys back to me. After a few seconds I was able to slowly stopped laughing and it was then my turn to catch my breath. The over dramatic boy looked at me and gave me a very cheesey grin and waved. I waved back.
"Hi, I am Jessica. Sorry for laughing but I have to agree with your friend the food here sucks. I should know I have lived here for four years."
   They over dramatic guy held out his hand for me to shake and introduce himself.
" My name is Louis Tomlinson, I like carrots and sing in a group called One Direction. "
I tilted my head and looked at him like I looked at Liam. I was so confused. Who was one direction? So with that I had to ask, "am I supposed to know what one direction is? "
Louis grasped and looked between liam and I. My thought was if he kepted doing that his head would fall off. I giggled at the thought. Liam looked at me and smiled as well.
"You mean to tell me that you don't know that we are from the biggest boy band in the world right now? "
I just shook my head.
"I am sorry, it's kind of hard to know who you guys are when I been in here all the time. I really didnt get chances to listen to music all that often. Plus it was always hard when you didnt have access to the outside world. But from what I can tell you guys are really nice and funny too."
Just as Louis was about to open his mouth and yell something, my mother came marching in. By the looks of it she was not happy. She spotted me and stormed over with an evil look in her eye.
"Jessica Elizabeth Rose, get your butt out to that car this instant. I have no time for your games! Your father and little brother are at home waiting for me! Now move!"
I look down at the ground and nod my head, "yes ma'am, I will be right there. I will just say goodbye."
She gave a angry huff and without looking at me or the boys she stomped away.
I turn back to Liam and Louis with a frown on my face. "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you guys. I hope your friend get better. If you need anything ask for Angela. She is an amazing nurse."
I turn away from them. Feeling my heart ache with every step I take. My one chance at making friends and my mother takes it away from me. I turn slightly and wave to them.  Louis yells bye really loud causing alot of attention to be drawn around him. I shake my head and giggle as I leave. I was just at the door when I heard Liam call my name. I stopped in my tracks and turned to him. I still noticed Louis still standing where he was looking at liam with smirk on his face. I was confused. Once liam reached me he gave me a small hug. I was surprised but returned the hug.
" jessica, I just want to say it was amazing bumping into you today. This will be the best part of my day. I also want to say sorry for what I said a few minutes ago, you know before Louis showed up. I saw the tears and I want you to know that I wasnt judging you or anything." I smiled at him. "If anything I wanted you to know that you are a strong and beautiful young women." I felt the blood rush to my face as he said that.
"So with that being said I was wondering if I could have your number so I could either text or call you sometime? "
I could tell he was a little nervous. I smiled and nodded yes. I handed him my phone.
He started typing in his number. As he was typing I thought to myself I just made a friend. But my mind was already thinking of the next step with him. Thinking about when I would see him or hug him again. Well I guess only time will tell. He handed my phone back.
" Well I added my number and I texted my phone so I had your number too. "
I smiled so big that my cheeks started hurting. "Okay , thanks Liam. I hope to hear from you soon. "
He walked closer to me and wrapped me up in another hug. At this point my heart went into over drive and my breathing was uneven but I wrapped my arms around him again either way. When we pulled away from each other I smiled and waved at him and walked out the door. only to turn around one more time to see him still standing at the door watching me walk away with a smile on his lips.
As my mother drove home I couldn't keep the smile off my face. Today was amazing i am cancer free, I dont  have to go back to the hospital any time soon. Also for the first time since I have been sick I met a boy who actually talked to me and called me beautiful. But the best part of it all was he gave me his number so he could talk to me again.
That thought made me pause for a second. I have never had this feeling before. Is it love? Could I be falling for him after only just meeting him? Was it happening to fast? Is this possibly even real? Well if it is real I cant wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Liam's POV (after jessica leaves)

She was absolutely, beautifully breath taking. There were no other word to  best describe her like that. She was perfect. Her hand when she touched me sent shocks through my hand that I can still feel even with her miles away. Her small body the way it fit against mine as I pulled her against me as I hugged her bye was perfect. She looked to be about a foot or so smaller than me and had curves in all the right places. She had deep brown doe eyes that entice you every time I looked in them. My heart hasnt beat this fast ever. I barely know her and yet there is a part of that feel like a piece of me is missing. Like I have only half a heart when she isnt here. Can that happen after just seeing her one time? Was love at first sight real?
  Knowing she had cancer and that she fought to live and stayed strong through it all makes her amazing. Even when she was standing there in here Jean's, tshirt and a beanie on her head she was still beautiful. She was definitely more beautiful than most girls I have ever seen and met in this world. I can't wait to get to know her more. I was still thinking about her put a smile on my face. That was until I was brought out of my thoughts by Louis.
"Hey mate, let's go. You've been staring at that door for five minutes. Your princess is gone. "
I laughed at him and shook my head.
"Lou, can I ask you something? "
"Yeah, sure what is it? " He looked at me.
I chewed on my bottom lip debating if I should ask him. I mean I never felt like this before.
" Is it possible to fall in love at first sight? "
He looked serious and was quite for while like he was debating on what to tell me. Finally he looked at me. "Liam, what did you feel when you met Jessica?"
I didn't even hesitate with my answer.
"I felt complete just with one touch of her hand on mine. When I hugged Her it felt like her body fit perfectly against. It was like finding a missing puzzle peice. I just can't stop thinking about her. My stomach feels like it's in knots waiting to hear her voice again."
I was full blown smiling now with thinking about Jessica that I didn't hear Louis laughing at me. I turned to look at lou and who was doubled over laughing.
  I just shook my head waiting for him to stop. Finally when he did, he looked up at me.
"Dang mate, you have it bad. " He paused for a second and then proceeded to talk once again.
           "Liam, I believe what you are describing is love. Believe me it is  indeed possible to fall in love at first sight. Though My advice for you right now is to take it slow and get to know her more. "
I nodded in understanding and smiled even more. He tossed his arm around my shoulder and walked us towards the elevator.
"Come on prince charming, let's go feed the leprechaun."
Now it was my turn to laugh really loud as we walked into the elevator. My last thought before the door closed was I can't wait to talk to Jessica again.

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