chapter five

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Liam's POV ( next morning )

I woke up this morning with the sun shinning on my face and a small soft hand rubbing up and down my chest. At first I was so confused on were I was but then I heard a soft humming. I slowly woke up to see my beautiful girl laying on my chest and then I remembered we were in a tent.
Suddenly everything came flooding back into my head. Meeting the grandparents and learning that jessica and zayn were once friends. I shook that out of my head and focused on my baby.
"Mmmm...good morning baby girl."
She lifted her head and smiled at me then leaned forward and placed a soft sweet kiss on my lips. I was laying there enjoying her lips and her touch when she started to pull away. I gave a little pout but all I got in return was a small giggle. I gave her a smile and watched her eyes glow with happiness. It made me wonder. Did I make her happy? was I the one that helped put that look in her eyes?
Just as I was about to open my mouth and talk to her I hear the tent shake a little. Catching both of out attention we heard her grandfather clear his throat and call out to jess.
"Good morning princess. I trust you and liam slept okay in there." Jess let out a small laugh. "Yes pops we slept fine."
She laughs again. Oh hiw her laugh makes butterflies erupted in my stomach.
"Sorry for disturbing you, but your grams wanted to know if you and your fella would like to come up to the house and have showers and some breakfast?"
I watched as jessica's face breaks out in a huge smile as her face brightens at the offer he grandfather tells us. I brace myself for what will possibly come next.
Jess turns and looks at me with her big brown doe eyes and pouty lip and silently begs for my agreement. I lightly chuckle at her and nod my head. She giggles in victory because she know that she has me whipped already. She has me caught hook, line and sinker.
She kisses me quickly as reward for agreeing to her plee and then yells out to her grandfather.
"Yes pops we will be happy to join you and gram for breakfast. Just give us about ten to fifteen minutes to get our stuff together."
I watched her talk to her pops and I couldn't help but feel my heart burst with joy that this beautiful girl was mine. She was so stunning and I told her so every day. Though she begs to differ with me, but that is just her insecurities talking. If only I could let her see herself through my eyes then maybe she would understand. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard her pops retreating feet make there way away from the tent.
I smile as my lovely girl turns and looks at me with the biggest smile on her face. I could see how excited she was to spend time with her grandparents. Heck even I was excited to get to know them more. Just at that moment jess turns and the sun hits her face making my breath hitch and get caught in my throat. I stare at her as the sun makes her skin glow a light golden brown and making her dark brown eyes lighter and brighter. I couldn't turn away, it was like I was hypnotized by her beauty. I looked at her head and I smiled I was so happy that her hair was finally growing in I couldn't wait till it was longer so I could bury my hands in it. I let out a dreamy sigh as I thought about all this.
All to soon I was pulled out of my day dreaming by feeling weight press against my stomach. I look up and see jess sitting on my stomach looking at me. Next minute jess is hunched over me with her hands on either side of my head. She a small pout on her lips making her look adorable. I smile and lean up and peck her lips real quick before I grab her waist and flip us over so now I was on top.
A gasp escapes from her lips. I smirk at her as I take in her shocked look. I lean down and place kisses down her neck. She tenses at first then after a few seconds I feel her body relax under my touch. Her hands go to my biceps and squeezes them as I place more kisses on her. Soon I reach her collarbone and hear her wiper with want. I knew right then that I found her weak spot. I gently suck on that spot as jess let's out a small throaty moan that shoots straight to my groin. Making me hard instantly.
So with that in mind I slowly pull away hearing jess whine from lack of my body contact with hers. I stand up and adjust my pants to my large friend isn't as noticeable. But in my opinion it doesn't help. I look down at jess and she is in a lovely daze that makes her even more beautiful and desirable at that moment. I quickly grab my phone and snap a picture of her. I smile at at it and save it.
After realizing what I did, I noticed a shocked look cross her face as put my phone away. I gave a small smile. Jess didn't say anything or give me a smile back she just frowned and shook her head.
My eyes widened as she quickly got up and turned away from me going to her stuff to pack. I was confused and worried. Did I do something wrong? I thought for a moment trying to think what I did to make her upset with me, but nothing came to mind. So I shook my head and walked up behind her and wrapped her in my arms. She didn't move or flinch but what worries me the most was I notice her shoulders start to shake. I then realized she was crying. I panic and turn her around bringing her into my chest and just let her cry. While she was crying I thought I heard footsteps outside the tent but if I did they were drowned out by jessica crying. I shook my suspicion away and focused on my baby. After letting her calm down a bit I leaned back and tilted her head up to look at me. She looked so fragile and broken. Her eyes were red and still held tears in her eyes. Her face had tear stains going down her cheeks. It broke me in half when I see her like this. I wipe away a few tears with my thumb even though more keep falling.
"baby girl, what's wrong?"
She shook her head and barried her face back in my chest. "Please baby tell me. I can't fix it if you don't tell me."
I waited for her to speak and just when I thought she wasn't going to talk I hear her sniffle and lean back to look at me. Again I wipe tears away from her face. She blushes just a bit.
"I don't like my picture being taken."
I look at her and watch her wipe more tears from her eyes. "Why not love? I think you are beautiful."
She shook her head frantically at me.
"That's the thing liam, I am not beautiful. I am short and have way to many curves that it makes me look chubby. Plus I am bald and ugly."
I sighed. I should of know her insecurities would show its ugly head at one point this weekend. But I squared my shoulders and looked at my jess.
"Now, I want you to listen to me miss and listen good cuz I mean every word I am about to say." I see she wanted to protest but I just gave her a look that said, 'don't say anything' and she halted her words.
I took a deep breath, "Jessica Elisabeth Rose, you are the most beautiful girl that exists in my worls. You are the brightest star in my universe. When you smile love, you could the sun a run for its money because it brightens my life up. It makes my heart skip beats. When I hear your musical laugh it makes me want to laugh too. Your personality is so amazing and unique because you are always polite and sweet. Your caring and understanding. You have a big heart that welcomes people with open arms. You have a way of making people feel comfortable whenever you walk into a room. And that love makes me feel like the luckiest guy in the whole world."
I stop and kiss her softly. I hear her hum into the kiss. I pull my lios away from her but keep our heads together letting out breath mingle together.
"Baby I don't care if you don't have hair, if it makes you feel better and more comfortable I will buzz my hair off too." She giggled at that making my heart feel light. "But in all honesty jess, to me you are without a doubt and will always be perfect. It doesn't matter what others think. All that matters is what I think because I love you for just being you. I love you from the top of your buzzed head to bottoms of purple painted toes. I love your dark brown eyes that turn liquid black when you are thinking to hard. Or how you play woth your fingers when nervous about something."
I watch her smile as I take an other deep breath and continue to talk.
"I love your adorable height and all your curves. You want to know why?" She nods her head. "It's because you fit perfectly in my arms that way." I heard her sigh happily. "Please baby girl never doubt yourself when you are around me because no matter what the world thinks. You will always be forever the most amazeningly, most breath taking and most of all the most beautiful girl in my world. I love you now and forever Jessica."
I watched as her face changed as I stood there silently as she took all my words in. After a few minutes of waiting her face broke into a breath taking, heart stopping smile. Then with out warning she launched herself into my arms almost knocking me over. I laughed as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
With her face tucked into my chest I swayed us back and forth as I heard her say. "I love you Liam."
I hug her tighter breathing in her strawberry scent. That smell was slowly starting to become my favorite smell in the whole world.
We just stood there swaying back and forth just enjoying being in each others arms never wanting to let go of each other.
As we stood there I heard footsteps walking towards the tent. I pulled away from jess so I could hear more. Just as I was going to yell out I heard a deep voice and giggling. I kissed jess' head and walked to the entrance of the tent. I stepped out and came face to face with two amused older people. They were jess' grandparents.
Jess' grandmother was giggling like a young school girl making her look younger than what she appeared to be. While her grandfather just kept a more straighter face, but his eyes held happiness in them.
I yelled back into the tent, "hey love, we have company. I think we stayed a bit to long in tent." I let out a small laugh.
Jess comes walking out with her head down, "What are you talking about no we-" she stopped mid sentence when she looked up and saw her grandparents.
"Gram, pops, what are you doing here? I told pops we will be at the house I. About ten to fifteen minutes."
Both if then looked at me then at jess and started laughing. I couldn't help it I laughed to. Jess looked confused as ever. I guess she was wondering why we were all laughing.
Her grandfather speaks up, "Princess that was over a hour ago." Amusement lining his voice. I bit my lip to keep from laughing.
The look on jessica's face was simply priceless. Her eyes grew wide and her mouth shaped into an O. Her cheeks turned pink with embarrassment.
She stuttered, "we are sorry. We will come right now."
She was just about to go into the tent to grab things when her grandfather stopped her. "It's okay princess. Walk up to the house with your gram. Liam and I will get the bags are be up shortly."
Jess looked at me nervously but I gave her a reassuring smile and a small nod. She got the message and turned and walked away with her grandmother. I watched her walk away with longing in my eyes. A growing ache started in my heart that grew with every step she took away from me. Finally when I couldn't see her anymore I let out a sigh and turned towards the tent. As I turned around I came face to face with the grandfather. He stared at me with a straight face.
If I was being honest with myself right now I would say that this man made me scared. That if I made one wrong move or said the wrong thing he would kill me. I tripped over my words.
"Um...hi sir...would you like me to grab the bags." I start heading towards the tent determined to make a good impression on him. As I am walking he starts laughing, "Liam, call me james. There is no need for all this formality baloney. Also there is no reason to be nervous either. I now consider you part of my family."
I sigh in relief as he laughs again at my reaction. I nodded at him. "Thank you james, that means alot."
He nods as I walk into the tent and grabbed mine and jessica's bags. I see james looking at me as I walk out of the tent. He offers to take the bags but I shake my head. He nods again and then swiftly turns on his feet and walks in the direction of his house. The walk was silent, giving me time to listen to the outdoors. it was so relaxing.
Next thing i know I feel a tight grip on my arm making me stop. I turned and faced james who had stopped.
"Liam I have a few questions for you."
I nod at him, "okay."
"Liam, I know you are a great guy and that you deeply care and love my granddaughter." I nod again. "I just can't help but wonder, what are your intentions with jess? I don't want to see her get hurt. After and real you are famous. I know you travel alot. Are you planning on leaving jessica once you are touring again? How will you maintain a relationship with her if your gone? How will you take care of her?"
I looked at him for a moment gathering my thoughts. I mean I understood why he was asking me these things. He wanted to make sure jess didn't get hurt by me. Which that will never happen because she will be where ever I will be.
After gather in my thoughts I stood tall and squared my shoulders once again.
"Sir, I understand you are worried about jessica, but you don't have to worry about me ever hurting her. She is the only girl that exists to me. There is no girl more perfect than her. When she stepped into my life something in me changed. Not only was gravity holding me down but so was she. I know that sounds cheesy but it's true. She changed me for the better. I was headed down the wrong path and it was tearing me and the other boys apart. Jessica keeps me grounded and makes me feel normal in a sea of stars and craziness."
I shake my head. "And yes I do travel alot but now that I have jess where ever I go I want her to go to. I can't function with out her. My heart aches when we are apart. I know the boys have been begging me to bring jess with us on tour. They love her just as much as much as I love her. I know there will be times when word will get to her or there will be pictures being taken of her that she won't like. But rest assure I will be there by her side through every little thing. Her happiness is my happiness. I will be there to always remind her of what I told her today. I want to be jessica's everything. Her rock that she can depend on and counts on. James, sir, I would go to the ends of the world and back if she asked me too just to make her happy. "
I watched his concerned face turn into a smile. He nodded at me and held out his hand to me. I put the bags down and shook it.
"Now you young man have my blessing and upmost respect. Plus just so you know I heard what you told jess in the tent earlier." He smirked at me.
I was shocked and a little embarrassed. I looked everywhere but at him. He laughed at me. "Don't be embarrassed son. Jess is very insecure and what you said to her made my heart swell with happiness. I am thankful that my prayers were answered. But please don't push her into anything she doesn't want to do."
I smiled at him as he said this because it made my heart explode with pride that I had his blessing. Plus he now knew how much I cared for jessica. Yet I still don't think he realizes how much jess really does mean to me. I plan on forever with her. Even when I lay dying my last breath will be her name. For she is my other half, my soul mate, the missing peice that was to my heart. She is my everything. I won't be able to live without her. It makes me smile just thinking about us in the future.
I was brought out my thoughts again when I felt james pat my back.
"You have that same look in you eyes for jess that do every time I look at my leah. Never loose that."
I nod, "I won't sir."
He nods and starts to take a step but stops again and looks and me.
"Liam, just remember something. Love comes softly to those who wait. But most importantly love is always patient."
Again I nod and watch him turn and walk away. I quickly grab the bags and follow him back towards the house.
I think about his final words. Does that mean something? I thought for a second and when I couldn't come to a conclusion I shrugged it off.
I let out a breath as we started to reach the house. With out a doubt this weekend has been the greatest. I met jessica's grandparents, saw their beautiful house and the best part was and still was spending hours and the night alone with my beautiful girl. I can't honestly wait to see what my girl has planned for us next.

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