[Chapter 20] Wanted Their Revenge (Part One)

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-Natalie's POV-

I hopped in the passenger's seat of the car and waited for Anthony to get in. He opened the door while I buckled my seat belt, "Where do you think you're going?" He inquired.

"To tell the others about the plan, duh," I answered sarcastically, "Now get your ass in here and drive me to Toby's."

He looked at me perplexed, "Couldn't you just drive yourself?"

"God, Anthony!" I shouted, "Do I have to explain everything to you? We've got to stick together, no one left behind. There's only...how many of us left? Five? So, we can't leave someone alone. Kalel will probably find them and kill them. I...we can't risk that."

He rolled his eyes and unwillingly got in. I handed him the keys and he put them in the ignition.

"How am I supposed to see out of your windshield?" He argued, pointing at the shattered piece of glass that was surprisingly still standing.

I sighed, "Just look over all of the cracks and you'll be fine."

He sat up in his seat a little and pushed on the gas pedal. We pulled up to Toby's house and got out of the car. Usually when you'd approach his house, Gryphon would bolt to the door and greet you. But he was long gone, and it felt eerie now that there wasn't his dog barking at you.

I approached the door and knocked, "Hey, Toby! Let us in!"

There wasn't any response that I could hear, so I knocked again, "Please! We've got to talk about the plan!"

"Why don't you just try turning the knob?" Anthony suggested, using his index finger to point to the scuffed up golden knob.

I crossed my arms, "Because that's rude."

I knocked again, but Anthony did what he said and the door glided open. "See? All you've got to do is turn the knob," He remarked with a smirk on his face. He walked in, "Toby! It's Anthony and Natalie! Where are you?"

I walked in just as a faint, "Help...me..." sounded.

"Was that you, Anthony?" I asked, tapping him on the shoulder.

He glanced down at me, "No. Why would I do that? Just to scare you?" I glared at him, "Seriously, Nat, that wasn't me."

My eyes widened as I realized it could only be Toby. "Toby!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I started searching all of the rooms for him. After running through his entire first floor, I found him, in the office, hanging from a noose tied to the ceiling fan.

I shrieked in horror. The only thing between his neck and the coarse rope were his turning-purple fingers. His eyes were squeezed shut as his legs dangled helplessly in the air, losing more and more swing as the seconds ticked by.

Anthony soon found me and saw the scene, "Oh my..."

"Help him!" I shouted, pointing at him.

"What am I supposed to do?" He cried, starting to panic.

"Cut him down!"

"With what?" He pulled out his gun, "All I have is this gun, and I don't have good aim."

"Just shoot!" I demanded, "It'll be worth a try, right?"

"But I might shoot him on accident and kill him! I don't want to kill anybody, Nat!"

"He's about to die anyways!" I argued, "He's either going to die from you hitting him, die because our argument has gone on way too long, or he's going to live if you just shoot the god damn rope!"

-SEQUEL TO THE REPLACEMENTS- Vengeance (YouTube FanFic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat