[Chapter 15] Slap Across the Face

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-Natalie's POV-

I got up from my seat and stepped over Anthony's legs. I followed to where Kalel escaped to and found her refilling the coffee pot she had on her cart.

"What are you doing on this plane?" I asked her.

She looked up and smirked, "What do you think I'm doing? I'm being a flight attendant."

"You're fucking insane!" I shouted, throwing my arms up in the air, "You know, I used to like you. Rachael hated you, but I actually liked you. And now...you're just being a bitch! And I can't stand that I once used to like you!"

"She stole my husband from me," She remarked about Rachael, "And none of this would have happened if you guys weren't so popular and put me and Melanie in the shadows..."

"Where is Melanie anyways?" I inquired.

She scoffed, "That traitor. She's dead. She wanted you guys to know that she was done hurting you. But she far too in to get out that easily. So I killed her."

"You what!?!"

"You heard me, I..."

"Excuse me," One of the actual flight attendants said as she walked past Kalel and me. "Thank you," She remarked,walking out of the compartment.

Kalel rolled her eyes and continued, "I killed her. She just wanted Ian to love her again. And for you guys to forgive her for what she did. But I wasn't going to let that happen. Not if I couldn't get Anthony back and have you guys forgive me."


She nodded her head side to side, "I guess. And I killed Rachael because she was just Anthony's toy. He didn't really love her. He just didn't know what to do with himself when I was in prison."

"He knew exactly what he was doing, Kalel. They were going to start a future together. Did you know you killed her when she was pregnant!?!"

She pouted her lips, "Oh, did I?" She remarked sarcastically, "Oops. I guess Anthony can't have his perfect family now, right?"

I pushed her up against the wall, my forearm constricting her breathing way, "You shut up about Anthony! He was your husband! Now you treat him like your worst enemy!"

"Because he is!" She croaked, struggling for air.

I slapped her across the face and took a step back, "Mark my words, Kalel. If you kill one person on this plane, I will do the personal pleasure of killing you." I spun around and started to make my way back to my seat. I was infuriated with her. Like Anthony said before, the old Kalel we used to know was gone. And she was replaced by a murderous psychopath.

"Wait!" I heard her cry after catching her breath, "Natalie! I'll make you a deal!"

I stopped in my tracks and glanced over my shoulder, "What deal?"

She took a few steps forward, "You and whoever you want, will be safe."

"Safe?" I turned around, "What would I have to give you in return?"

She crossed her arms, "Make me and Anthony together again."

I scoffed, "Fuck no! You disgust me, Kalel." I spun back around and went back to second class.

As I sat down, I looked at Anthony and Toby to make sure I hadn't woken them, both of them were sleeping. I pulled out my phone and started playing Fruit Ninja.

"Where'd you go?" Toby questioned. I jumped when I heard his voice and dropped my phone to the floor.

I looked at him, "Oh...I...uh, had to go to the bathroom!" I bent down and picked up my phone. Luckily the screen hadn't cracked.

"Why'd you take so long?" He pointed behind us, "The bathroom is right there."

"There was a long line," I lied.

"Oh..." And he closed his eyes to go back to sleep.


I must've said something right to Kalel, because the ten of us arrived at the airport all in tact with no injuries. We all went back to our houses, me and Anthony walking into the Smosh house together. Rachael and I never bought a new apartment, we kind of just all moved into the Smosh house. It was nice. But now it was literally dead silent and very eerie.

I walked into the kitchen and saw that our phone was overflown with messages. I sighed and began to listen to them all. I looked into the main room and saw Anthony was looking at a picture. Probably of Rachael and someone else. He really was not handling this all too well.

"Hey," I said, walking into the front room, "Why don't we put them away? You know, so that way we don't have to be constantly reminded of Rach and Ian?"

"No," He simply replied under his breath.

"I'm just trying to help you, Anthony. You're going to have to get over Rachael some time, just like I will have too in my own good time. But you...we can't keep sulking around. It's not good for us."

He looked up at me, tears had formed in his eyes, "Then what are we supposed to do? I didn't get to say goodbye to Rachael or Ian. They're both gone and I can't say goodbye."

I stared at him speechless, he did make a really good point. I shook my head, "Anthony, we have to move on..."

"HOW!?!" He shouted at me, throwing the picture frame on the ground. The glass shattered and the frame broke into two even pieces, "TELL ME HOW, NATALIE. BECAUSE I CAN'T SEEM TO SHAKE THE FEELING THAT BOTH OF THEIR DEATHS ARE MY FAULT."

"They're not your..."

"IF I NEVER LEFT KALEL, THIS NEVER WOULD'VE HAPPENED!" He cried, falling to the floor and trying his best not to burst into tears.

I bent down so I was eye level with him, "But if you never left Kalel, you never would've fallen in love with Rachael."


I rolled my eyes and slapped him across the face, "Get your fucking act together, Anthony! If all you do is sob and sob over Rachael, you're going to get nowhere! We need to take action."

He glanced up at me and gulped, "Take action?"

I stood up so I was towering over him, "We're going to kill Kalel," I announced. Even though she didn't kill anyone on the plane, she killed Anthony in a sense. He was changed forever by Rachael and Ian's deaths, and part of him died.

-SEQUEL TO THE REPLACEMENTS- Vengeance (YouTube FanFic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon