• Chapter 11 •

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It's actually unbelievable how kind you all are, you've all been so patient with me so I can't thank you enough!! As I promised, I'm going to try and keep updating to make up for the amount of time I left you waiting. I hope you enjoy it, thank you!!


Amelia's POV

As soon as I had got the phone call from Mick, I woke my uncle and wrote down what had happened before he told me to get in the car. On our way to the hospital, I couldn't help but breakdown. I had only been with Corey just a few hours ago and now this had happened.

As soon as he pulled into the car park, I ignored my uncles shouts and got out of the car that was moving at a slow pace. I ran straight into the reception to find eight pairs of eyes looking at me. Sid put his head in his hands and shook his head, whilst the others just looked at one another.

Shaun stood up and made his way over to me, "Corey's gone into surgery. They're not too sure that he is going to make it since one of the stab wounds punctured his right lung and he lost quite a lot of blood. I'm so sorry." He stared at me mournfully just as my uncle came running in and I had collapsed to the floor in agonising pain. Knowing that the one person who finally got you to talk again after all these years was going to be gone was heart destroying. The one person who truly had hope in you. The one person who made you feel special. The one person who you loved more than anything...

My body convulsed as sobs racked every bone in my body. Holding my face in my hands, I felt someone wrap their arms around me before hearing my uncles soothing voice telling me everything was going to be okay.


4 hours later

Many people had come and gone until a doctor made his way into the waiting room and looked over to us with a grin on his face. "Corey Taylor's alive." His smile got wider as I burst out into tears of relief, even Chris and Shawn got a little emotional and the band members began to hug one another and give each other pats on the back after being told that their fellow band member and best friend was going to suvive.

"It was hard work but we got there in the end. It's going to be even more difficult through the recovery, however I'd like to tell you that he made it through and he is currently being placed into a room on ward B1. Room number 12." The doctor said as he placed the key to Corey's room into my hand.

Sid ran up to the doctor and picked him up, spinning him around. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He screamed before Mick yanked him back and told him to calm down and shut up.


Corey's POV

The guy had left me there for dead. Eight stab wounds and a gash on my head, I was left to bleed out. That was until Sid ran into the lift and tripped over me, the stupid dickhead. Sid got the others and called an ambulance as I had passed out and I woke up inside a hospital.

The first thing that I noticed was the small girl, with the tear stained face, holding my hand. "A-Amelia.." I croaked as I tried to sit up.

She looked up at me startled and quickly ushered me to lie back down by pushing my shoulders until I swatted her hands away. "Amelia, baby, calm down! I'm fine!" I chuckled at her as she searched my face frantically for any signs of pain.

I finally got her to sit down again, when she burst into tears. "I thought you were dead." She whispered, clearly not used to talking much.

I reached up, placed my fingers beneath her chin and pulled her gently towards me. I looked into her eyes as tears gently fell from them and I kissed her softly on the lips. "Honestly. I'm fine." I'm mumbled as she gladly returned the kiss and placed her small hands on either side of my face.

I had pulled her up and over onto the bed that I was in, so she was straddling me. I placed both hands on her hips and kissed her once again as she lowered herself gently onto my chest. The wounds stung a lot but I barely noticed the pain when I had my lips on Amelia's. Things soon got heated as I ran my hands slowly up her shirt before things soon got interrupted.

Sid ran over and practically shoved Amelia out of the way. He took her place and hugged me tightly. "Dude! You had my shitting myself! I thought you weren't going to make it!"

"Sid. You're not going to make it if you don't get off of me." I tried to say with a serious tone but I ended up laughing as I sat up to watch the rest of the band and Amelia's uncle make they're way into the room.

I looked over to where Amelia was stood and her cheeks were flushed a bright pink as she shyly looked over at me. I grinned at her before looking over to Chris who smiled content with the fact that I was both safe and happy.

Hopeless • Corey Taylor • Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora