• Chapter Six •

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Congratulations to me!

I managed to forget my accounts fucking password....

Because I am a fucking dickhead..

Hahahah anyways, I'm back and I've already started to write a few more chapters so please bare with me at the moment and I hope you guys are enjoying this so far!!

And thank you for voting/commenting/reading Hahahah it means a lot!! Xxxx


Corey's POV


Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Why the fuck did I just do that? Did she want to kiss me back? Was I just freaking her out? Was it just because we were interrupted? Stupid pricks! Oh shit, what if she hates me now? She does, doesn't she? Why the fuck do I always mess these things up!?!

I made my way down to the main reception where the pizza guy was waiting.

"Ermm....Mr...Taylor?" The pizza guy questioned as he looked down at the paper that was in his hand.

"Yeah. Yeah. That's me." I said tossing him the money and taking the food out of his hands. "Keep the change."

"Err... Are you sure?" The pizza guy yelled. "There's like, £60 here, and you only owed us £25..?" I rolled my eyes. "Sure whatever. Knock yourself out, kid." I said as I made my way back to the lift. As the doors were shutting, I heard the pizza guy shout again. "Hey I'm not a kid! I'm ninete-" He was cut off as the doors shut. I made my way back to the room and found Amelia sat on my bed. I smiled gently, "Foods here!"

She smiled back as I place the food down on the bed and sat down next to her. I picked up a slice of pizza as the doorbell rang.

"What the fuck could you possibly want now, you arseholes?!?" I yelled as I went to open the door.

It was the pizza guy.

"You're Corey Taylor?!" He yelled as his eyes widened. "Yeh. No shit." I rolled my eyes and looked back at Amelia to see her laughing.

"Can I get your autograph or something? Please? I'm a big fan and I -" he rambled on for ages before I managed to stop him.

"Yeah sure, whatever, just give me a pen or something..."

He handed me a pen and a small notepad and I signed it quickly before taking a picture with him. "Okay. So if that will be all, I guess your going to get going now right? Okay, bye!" I said before slamming the door in his face.

The doorbell went again.

"Are you taking the piss?"

I opened the door again.

It was the pizza guy.

"What?" I asked in a dead tone.

"So. What are you guys up too?" He said making his way into the apartment and sitting next to Amelia taking a slice of pizza.


"I said-"

"I know what you fucking said! Why are you still in my apartment?!? Get out!"

He just looked at me before turning back to Amelia.

"Wow. You're really pretty." He looked at Amelia before looking back at me and pointing to her. "She your girlfriend?" He said with a mouthful of pizza.

I felt my cheeks burning. "Erm. I- Wha- No. Yes. No. Oh. I don't know. Will you just leave?!"

The pizza guy looked around. "Nah I'm on my break so I haven't got anything better to do. Nice place you've got here. My names Sam, by the way. Nice to meet you." He said whilst shaking Amelia's hand.

She giggled and shook his hand back.

"What's your name?" Sam asked.

Amelia just looked at me.

"It's Amelia." I said whilst clenching my teeth.

"Oh, are you mute or something?" Sam asked whilst lying down on the bed. Amelia just nodded and smiled shyly. "That's cool.." Sam nodded whilst taking another slice of pizza.

"Haven't you got to back back to work soon, Sam?" I asked slightly annoyed that this prick is ruining my chance with Amelia.

"Oh yeah. I do." He said looking down at his watch. "We should do this again some time, yeah? Here's my number!" He handed Amelia a small piece of paper, picked up his bag and waved as he ran out the room, stumbling slightly as he ran down the corridor.

"Sorry about that." I mumbled as I scratched don't neck.

Amelia just smiled and handed me a slice of pizza. "Thanks." I said taking a bite and sitting next to her.

We both just stared at one another before there was a loud bang next door and a scream.

I banged on the wall really hard. "Guys you're gonna get us kicked out!"

There was a knock at the door.

"I swear, if this is that stupid, fucking pizza guy, I'm gonna- Sid?" I opened the door,  and Sid was stood there holding a broken lamp in his hands.

"I hurt the lamp." He said mournfully. "It was an accident though. Honestly it was!"

I rubbed my head and then took the lamp off of him. "I'll take it to reception tomorrow morning. In the mean time, just go get some sleep, will you?"

Sid nodded and leaned up against the doorframe. "Sooo... You guys have had sex right?"


He held his hand up in defence. "Okay, okay.. AMELIA! He likes it rough!" He shouted whilst giving her a thumbs up before I slammed the door in his face.

"I don't! " I said leaning against the door shaking my head frantically.

"Yeah! Tell that to the tent in your pants!" Sid shouted from behind the door.

"I thought I told you to fuck off!"

"He has one happy camper down there, Amelia!"

I felt my cheeks burn red and put my hands over my crotch. "I don't! Seriously!! I mean- SID! YOU'RE AN ARSEHOLE!" I said stumbling over my words whilst Sid laughed incredibly loud on the other side of the door.

Amelia just giggled and walked over to me. She then stood on her tip-toes and kissed me on the cheek lightly before typing something out on her phone before handing it to me.

"I don't mind.."

If I wasn't red in the face already, I most definitely was now..

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