"What's that mean?" Malia asked.

"If Kate took Scott back to the same temple that she took Derek, how do we know she's not planning to do the same thing to him?" Peter asked. Referring to taking away Scott's power.

"I see his point." Magenta commented.

"What, she wants to make him younger?" Liam asked.

"Or take him back to when he wasn't a werewolf." Derek answered. Magenta rubbed her arm that was burning horribly. Something was wrong but she refused to look at it.

"A werewolf can't steal a true Alpha's power. But maybe a Nagual jaguar, with the power of Tezcatlipoca behind her. . . . Maybe she can. So, if everyone is sufficiently freaked out, I say we get going." Peter explained.

"We can't." Stiles told Peter. "Not without Lydia."


Stiles was calling Lydia while Magenta stayed with the large group.

"What's she doing at the school anyway?" Derek asked.

"We got Kira's sword, but we need something with a stronger scent." Malia replied to Derek's question. She held up the sword that Malia and Augustus went to pick up.

"Lydia went to get a jacket out of her locker." Magenta finished.

"Nothing." Stiles filled the group in.

"If she has a car, she can catch up to us." Braeden told the group.

"That's a good point. Well call her from the road." Peter agreed.

"No. What if something happened?" Stiles asked. "What if she's in trouble?"

"I have to agree with Stiles." Magenta said, siding with her boyfriend. Peter thought of how to word his words without making it suspicious.

"Fine. You stay, you find her. Magenta goes with us. We're gonna go on without you." Peter told Stiles.

"What if I want to stay with Stiles?" Magenta asked.

"You can't. We need all of the supernatural that can fight." Peter told the girl.

"I could call Mason." Liam offered. "He has a study group at school. Maybe he could look for her."

"All right. Fine." Stiles admited. Magenta nodded before heading towards the back.

"Remember what we're dealing with here. It's not just Kate, it's Berserkers. You might see human eyes behind those skulls. Do not assume that there's any humanity left." Peter explained the the group.

"I'll keep that in mind." Magenta mumbled.

"This little one is terrible of them, aren't you? Don't worry, my friend. It is that fear that will keep you alive. A reminder to everyone. You do not fight Berserkers to survive, you fight to kill."


"All good?" Derek asked, putting on the handcuffs on Liam. Stiles and Magenta looking at each other. Augustus took his own car to trail them, in case something happens.

"Kinky much." Magneta asked Allison. There was a laugh.

"Derek being kinky." Allison laughed louder. Then it grew serious.

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