Chapter 20

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Pink lips attacked my neck. The same pink lips that I had mistakenly or not kissed just days before.

Her hair was a mess as she kissed me. "Josh," She breathed. "I really like you."

"I know," I responded. "I really like you, too."

As she made her way up my beck, towards my lips, an unsettling feeling set in the pit of my stomach. We both knew this was wrong, yet we were too scared to back out now.

Her lips reached mine, and we were both goners. Being with her was different. It felt exciting, rebellious.

"Mackenzie," I breathed. "We should stop."

She pulled back, lips swollen and red. She nodded, leaning her head back. "We're goners, Josh."

I nodded. "Yeah, we are."

It continued for a week. Mackenzie and I couldn't get enough of each other, so we hooked up almost everyday after she was finished with school. I made up excuses for Chloe, and she made some up for Lucas.

We never went past making out. Neither of us had lost our virginities yet.

Sometimes, before I came here, we would sneak into clubs right after concerts, and I would come so close to doing it, but I would back out at the last second, scared that I would regret it later.

One day, we sat on Mackenzie's couch. Some romantic comedy played in the background as we were kissing. As always, the guilt was starting to eat away at me.

Then the drop bell rang. I groaned. Mackenzie climbed off of on top of me (She liked to top. She claimed she could leave whenever she felt like it) and leaned back onto the couch. "I don't wanna get it."

I chuckled, standing up. "Then I'll get it." And with a quick kiss to her forehead, I went off to the door.

Mackenzie house—or mansion, I should call it—was one of the beats ones I'd ever been to. At least seven bedrooms and ten bathrooms, it was basically a palace.

I walked to the door, and opened it without a thought. I froze when I saw who it was.

"Hey, Mackenz- Josh?" Lucas questioned, pulling some flowers from behind his back.

I chewed nervously on my bottom lip. "What're you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." He growled, clearly not happy with me.

I sheepishly stepped back, Mackenzie tiring up by my side. "Who was it- Oh."

"Yeah, oh," Lucas snapped. "What the hell is this?"

"We're just hanging out." Mackenzie responded, not making eye contact with him.

"Then why are your lips swollen, and why is your hair messed up! I'm not that big of an idiot!" Lucas spat, brown eyes turning dark.

Mackenzie sighed. "Come in. We'll explain everything."

"How could you?"

Those were the only words Lucas had. We explained everything from when it first happened. The hook ups, the kisses.

There was no doubt in my mind that Lucas was falling in love with Mackenzie. I could see in her eyes that she was falling pretty hard, too. We just had to bring our feelings into it.

"Does Chloe know?" He said after moments of silence.

Mackenzie and I looked at each other with guilt. "No," I finally said. "She doesn't."

"That's not fucking fair, and you know it," Lucas snapped. From his tone, I could tell Mackenzie and I were in for a lecture. "Chloe has loved us and supported us, and you went and banged her best friend! Do you know how fucked up that is, Josh? She cares about you—you're dating her! And if just using her as toy...I swear to god."

We didn't both to look up. We knew his words spoke the truth. We just didn't wanna admit it.

"I think I'm gonna go—let you two work things out." I coughed, grabbing my jacket.

"I'm not done with you." Lucas told me, not even bothering to look my way.

I sighed, knowing that I had just ruined the one great friendship I ever had.

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