Chapter 4

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We got bailed out the next day, and my back was in excruciating pain from sleeping on the floor.

Our manager didn't say a word to us when we arrived at his office. He just glared at us.

"Boys," he finally said, "I don't even know what to do anymore."

"I wanted to bring you guys here and tell you the tour has been extended to Japan and Australia-"

"That's great!" Lucas exclaimed.

I hit him over the back of the head. "Let him finish."

"But I can't do that anymore. Good thing tickets haven't gone on sale yet. I wouldn't want to let down your fans, who got you where you are today." Our manager glared.

We nodded.

"You boys need a reality check. Not everything is about you. You need to remember what it's like to be normal. Now I suggested that you boys go back to your old public school, but then we realized that you wouldn't be treated normal, so we cancelled your whole tour outside of the U.S." He said, making us all freeze.

"You can't do that!" Brandon yelled.

"Actually, I can. Now I suggest you boys get your crap together, before I cancel the rest of the tour." He hissed, shooing is out of the room.

We all walked out of the room silently.

"Wow." Brandon mumbled.

"Great going, Josh!" Nick yelled when we were in the elevator.

"Me?" I asked.

"Yeah, you're the one who had to punch the cop!" He hissed.

"Me? Are you kidding," I yelled, "Brandon's the one who dragged us to that stupid club!"

"Yeah, it's Brandon's fault!" Lucas yelled.

"Can we just calm down for a sec!" Nick yelled, getting everyone's attention.

"Now, I know we're obviously all pissed off and hurt right now, but what we have to accept, is the fact that we can't hang out actions, and accept the consequences of what we did." He said.

We all looked at him with question marks in our eyes.

"Where the hell did you learn to talk like that?" I asked.

"Like I said," he blushed, "Kalani."

"Whipped." I coughed.

Nick rolled his eyes, pressing the button to elevator.

"But," Brandon said, "I had pretty good damn time last night."

Out of all four of us, Brandon was the "bad boy" I guess you could say. But he was still just as awkward and lanky as the rest of us.

The elevator door opened, and we walked into it.

We stayed silent the entire ride down, and broker our once the doors opened to the lobby.

I just wanted to sleep on a bed.

Fans were outside the door, and don't ask me how thy found out where they were. Fangirls are scary.

We got into the car that was waiting for us. The car ride was silent, except for Nick, who kept his damn ringer on while texting someone (most likely Kalani) and smiling like an idiot.

Once we arrived at our hotel, we got out of the car, trying to make our way through the (at least) one hundred fans who were there waiting for us.

No one talked. We didn't know what to say to each other.

Hey! Who the hell cares that we aren't even leaving the country for a good year or so? Let's have a bro talk! (Do guys even have bro talks? lol)

We got to our hotel room, and I immediately collapsed onto my bed.

I ran to my phone which I had left here, and checked Twitter.


Apparently out mug shots got leaked, and they were all over the internet. I'm not gonna lie though, I look pretty swag in mine.

But our fans weren't happy with us.

Wtf? Lucas is only 15, and he got arrested? Wow one read.

I've been watching Super 4 since they first starting posting on YouTube. They were just 12 and 13 year old awkward kids dreaming to make it big. This just goes to show that Hollywood changes people.

Okay I'm not gonna lie; that one hurt.

I sighed, and put my phone down. Then it started ringing.

I froze when I read the contact.


Oh crap.

"Hi mom." I gulped.

"Joshua Dale Hyland, those mug shot pictures better be fake!" She yelled, making me yank the phone away from my ear.

"I wish they were mom." I sighed.

I was expecting her to yell and scream at me, but she just sighed.

"I thought I raised you better, Josh," she told me, "I'm so disappointed in you."

I'm so disappointed in you

That hurts. A lot more than you would think.

I had always been what you would call a "momma's boy". I was her favorite child. I always it the better Christmas gifts. When Paige got a board game for Christmas, when I was twelve I got an iPhone. When my other sister, Brooke got a set of clothes hangers for Easter last year, I got one of those hoverboard things that all the Viners have.

So hearing those words come out of my mother's mouth made me feel so much guilt for what I had done.

"I'm so sorry mom! I swear it was all Brandon's idea! Hey just dragged me there!" I tried to explain.

"Josh," she sighed, "I knew leaving you on the road with just your friends and only a couple of adults was a bad I des in the first place. And since you're still under eighteen, your father and I are discussing your punishment."

Before I had a chance to explain myself any further, the line went dead.

I sighed, and set the phone down.

"We should probably send a tweet out explaining ourselves." Nick uttered, taking our his phone.

We all crowd around him, watching as he logged out of his Twitter account, and logging into the official band one.

He started a new tweet, and we all started debating on what the tweet should say.

We finally agreed one one.

@officialsuper4: So you all have probably heard by now that we have been arrested, and we all feel so absolutely horrible about what went down. We as a band came to an agreement that it would be best for us to cancel any of our upcoming shows outside of our U.S. We apologize gain for any inconvenience, and fans will be able to get a refund. We apologize again.

So the tweet was way to big to send out, so we took a screenshot, and tweeted that out.

I fell back onto my bed, and fell asleep. I honestly just wanted o forget everything hat happened.


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