Chapter 7

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"Of fucking course." I muttered, staring down at the screen in front  of me.

"What?" Mackenzie asked, trying take a look at my iPod.

Mackenzie and I were currently at Starbucks (because of the free wifi) and I was catching up the latest Super 4 news. It was Saturday, and Mackenzie was trying to tell me a story, but I was too focused on what was in front of me.

"Super 4 has been acting like really bad these past couple of weeks, and apparently they're not gonna be working for the next three months because that's their 'punishment' or whatever." I stated, putting my iPod down.

"Ugh finally." Mackenzie mumbled.

Mackenzie was good sometimes, and listened to me vent about Super 4, but other times like this, she couldn't care less. In other words, she hated the band.

"Hey! Us fans are really pissed about it." I said.

"I know, but I feel like it's about time those boys learn some boundaries, right? I mean I wouldn't know, because I can't stand them, but I guess it just hurt." Mackenzie shrugged.

I rolled my eyes, and flipped her off.

She only laughed, and pushed a strand of her dark dirty blond hair out of her eyes.

I took a sip of my drink (Vanilla Frappiccino) and laughed.

"Let me see." Mackenzie reached for my iPod.

She put in the passcode, and studied the tweet.

"Well it looks like like they're playing the Pittsburgh show." Mackenzie smiled, obviously trying to make me feel better.

"Yeah, but I don't have tickets to that show. It sold out in like, ten seconds." I sighed.

Mackenzie nodded. She's hiding something.

"So how's smart people school?" I asked her.

"First of all," she laughed, "I'm not that smart, therefore it's not smart people school, and second of all, it good."

I nodded.

"How's uh, my sister treating you?" She hesitantly asked.

The atmosphere between us became more tense.

"Um, same old same old, I guess. She's the one who shattered my iPod." I mumbled.

"Sorry again, by the way."

"It's okay," I sighed, "I just wish you could stand up to her. She's your sister, after all."

"Chloe, you know I would if my parents would listen." Mackenzie explained.

"Mack, if you just explained the situation-"

"Chlo, I've tried! Believe me, I had. But they don't listen. You know me, C, if it were that easy, I would try harder." She declared.

I just sighed, and put my head in my hands.

"Hey uh Chloe?"


"I wasn't gonna tell you until later, but I have a surprise for you." Mackenzie smirked.

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