Chapter 17 - The Right Choice

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Merlin looks away. "I have my own reasons to stay."

Will grabs him by the neckerchief, pulling him until they're face to face. "It's because of him isn't it? You still don't want to leave your little noble friend."

Merlin glares at Will, pulling the other's hand off of him but refuses to answer.

"Look what he's done to you! As I said, those nobles are nothing but trouble. You can't trust 'em."

Merlin tears his eyes away, heading towards the pitcher full of water and pouring himself a cupful. He continues to ignore his friend.

"What? Are you just gonna sit here and-and let him drag you back?" Will says, voice cracking. "I told you, he is not your friend. He doesn't care about you. Not like the rest of us do. Forget about him. He's just another noble. There is no need for you to stay and suffer because of him."

Merlin sets the cup down after draining its contents. He wipes the remainder off his lips with his sleeve before turning back to face Will. "He's my friend. I've betrayed his trust once. I'm not doing it again."

Will scoffs. "If he were a true friend he would not sentence you to death."

Again, Merlin remains silent.

Will storms out of the room from the lack of a response, a permanent sneer set into his face. He slams the door shut behind him, making Merlin flinch slightly in his spot. He turns towards his mother, seeing the sorrowful look in her eyes as she watches him. He reaches a hand out, gently stroking the side of her cheek. "I'm sorry, mother," he says, "but I've made my decision."

His mother sighs, leaning into his touch. She lifts up a hand, cupping hers over his own. "You really care about him... don't you?"

Merlin nods, a small smile on his face. "Yes, I really do."


The sun has just barely peeked over the horizon when Arthur wakes to the sound of the warning bell. He opens one eye, not bothering to rush as he already knows the reason the alarm was risen.

He gets to his feet, pulling aside the curtain to find guards streaming past the castle windows across the courtyard as they search the palace for the escaped prisoner. He heads towards his wardrobe, changing quickly into his armour as best he can without anyone's help.

A knock sounds at his door just as he's about to finish. "Enter," he calls as he pulls on his glove.

Leon enters the room, seeming to have been woken by the bell as well judging by the state of his hair, looking breathless. "Merlin has escaped, sire," he says, though he doesn't sound quite as urgent as he should be after hearing news of a sorcerer escaping.

"I know," Arthur replies simply, pulling on his other glove.

Leon raises an eyebrow at him, probably confused at the king's reluctance to take action, though he's not one to complain. "What are your orders, my lord?"

Arthur looks up, waving his hand at the knight. "Send the guards to search the forest and lower town."

Again, Leon stares at the king skeptically. "What about the citadel?"

"Leave it. I'm sure he's made a run for it already. There's no point in searching here."

Leon stares at the king suspiciously for a moment before a knowing smile crosses his face. "Of course, sire. I'll be sure to inform the guards."

The knight gives a quick bow before leaving the room, seeming more relaxed than when he entered.

After he finishes putting on the rest of his armour Arthur heads to the door as well, ready to find Merlin when a new thought strikes him. He stops just short of the door and pulls his sword from his belt. He sets it down on the table before turning back around to leave the room. He won't make the same mistake twice.

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