"But is it still just professionals?" Scott asked.

"I don't think Haigh's ever tried anything like this. I think he was taking a chance." Parrish told them.

"That means anyone with the dead pool can take a chance." Derek stated.

"But if Haigh had it, then who else does?" Parrish asked the Oscar winning question. "How easy is it to get this thing now?"


"Meredith was only at my grandmother's lake house once. But I think once was enough." Lydia told the story of her grandmother and Meredith.

"How did your grandmother know her?" Derek asked.

"She didn't" Lydia answered. "She found her. Because of another woman named Maddy. The woman she loved." Lydia let out a sigh before she got up to show a picture. "I never met her but I saw her name everywhere."

Magenta looked at the picture of beside Scott to see the picture. But it was in black and white thanks to her born abilities.

"She used to be part of a yacht racing team. There were plaques and trophies in the lake house from all the regattas she'd won." Lydia told them.

"How did she die?" Parrish asked.

"How's not the story. It's what happened right before. My grandmother, Lorraine, used to work in San Francisco for IBM. She was there for a weekend, catching up on work. She started hearing this sound . . . Like rain. But when she looked out the windows . . . All she saw was blue sky." Lydia told the story.

"But she kept hearing the rain?" Scott asked.

"Banshee." Magenta mumbled.

"And it just kept getting louder. Rain and thunder crackling like gunshots in her head. So loud. She finally just screamed." Lydia told the small group.

"Like a banshee." Derek said, finally getting what Magenta mumbled.

"She called Maddy, who was planning on taking one of the boats out on the lake. But Maddy said that the sun was shining there too. So Lorraine didn't say anything." Lydia narrated.

"There was an accident?" Parrish questioned.

"It took them four days to find Maddy's body. And then it took decades to figure out how Lorraine knew. She started with parapsychologists, like the PhD in their name made it more scientific. They built the study in the lake house according to every pseudoscientific theory they could find. None of it worked. Then she started getting into more extreme occult. Things like mediums and psychics. All of them were failures. Until Meredith. They found her in Eichen House. This fragile girl who didn't understand the things she heard. They brought her to the study. And they almost killed her. She was hospitalized for over a year. She never really recovered. My grandmother drive her insane. And I drove her to suicide. And all she ever wanted to do was help. My grandmother created the code for the dead pool. They think she's the Banshee who put the names out in the first place. She left me this message in the same code." Lydia finished off.

"But she didn't leave a cipher key, did she?" Scott asked. Lydia shook her head, no. Parrish, Lydia and Magenta then started to depart. Magenta was going to go with Lydia to go to Stiles house to add the new piece of information on the board. Or as Magenta calls it, Mystery Board of Fame.

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