Drunk text And jealousy part2

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He stared to driver her home. She fell asleep on the way home. When they go there he picked her up and carried he up the stairs luckily her parents where not there.
After a couple of hours

She slowly stared to wake up her arm stereched out when she felt so thing hit her hand she turned around and screamed when she saw Xavier laying on her bed asleep she keept shaking him till he work up when he woke up he looked at her and said.

"Can't a man get his sleep" she replied with " first of all your are not a man and second get out of my bed" he looked at her and said "OK I'm going home any way bye"he stood up off the bed then left the house

She went back to sleep when she stared dreaming

It was a dark night stormy and cloudy when she heard yelling from downstairs it was her dad and mom fighting. She slowly stared to walk down stairs when she was close to the wall she look past it and there she saw her dad raise a knife to her mom she yelled out "mom watch out!!!" She stated crying and crying when her dad stamped the knife into the back of her mothers head she ran up to her room and called the police locking  the door the her room she took her phone and ran into her room Bathroom .
She called 911 when they answer she stated baking "hel-hello he-help he killed her she's dead " "whos dead hunny tell me I'm sending police on the way right know" the operated sayed back. " my mother she's dead my Father stabbed her in the back of the head with a knife and keppt stabbing her -

The she woke up quickly got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a cold shower

When she got out of the shower she changed put her hair in a messy bun and went outside to go to the beach (outfit at the top)

When she went to the beach she was Xavier there with some blonde bimo from there school hanging off his arm she felt a pinch a jealousy in her stomach when she saw someone she thought she would never see again

She stared to run to him "Max" she yelled out catching his and Xaviers attention when Max turned around she quickly jumped up he caught her they huged for a while till he put her down and stared to talk to her "I thought I would never see you again buttercup"

"I thought the same thing" she said back to him when Xavier walked up to her the first thing he said was "who is this guy" he had a weird look in his eyes when he was looking at Max

" Well you see max is and will forever be my best friend he helped me so much in my life I don't even know how to thank him I just love him soooo much" she answer him back

"Aww love you too buttercup" Max said  "butter cup what kind of nickname is that" Xavier said "it's my nickname what are you jealous or something" "phtt haha your funny me jealous of him hahahahha" with that Xavier walked away

All of a sudden sonthing she never expected to happen happend


So this is the second part hope you liked it

If you wanna make me a cover and sead it to me

Love you llamas_😇😂😘😍💓💓💓💖💖💕💕💘💘💗💗💝💝💞💞💟💟💚💚💛💛💜💜❤❤💙💙💋💋👅👅👄👄

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2016 ⏰

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