I got attacked with a pot plant

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Chapter 9

All of us were standing around in the simplistic kitchen laughing and joking around. Amy and I couldn’t help but make tons of digs at Zach and Zari. For example “winter sure is cold don’t you think, obviously its winter seeing you two just went through fall.” But that was the nice smartass teasing. There was of course the basic “you got beat by a 5 year old.” Which of course I just said for like the hundredth time.

“Shut up Taylia, you would have been in the same position if you had burnt her doll” Zach said annoyed. “Really now” I said folding my arms and raising an eyebrow. I highly doubt that so I put it to the test.

“Issa, would you have dropped me in the pool, if I had burnt your doll?” I asked. Carissa was currently sitting on the counter table top. She was playing around with her new princess doll, but looked up at me when I spoke to her. “Huh, oh no no no, I would not make you water even if you made Lulu fire” she spoke. The she turned back to her doll. I looked up at Zach and he poked out his tongue at me “whatever” he said. Huh five year old response for a five year Old’s response.

“So what else is there planned for the…” I was then suddenly and rudely interrupted by


We all looked at each other curiously. Me with a bit of annoyance though. I wanted to complete my sentence. My next thoughts were ‘who the blimmin hell is ringing the doorbell?’

Before I could investigate I saw a faint blush appear on Zach’s cheeks. Ding a ling a ding we have a winner. Before Zach could move I raced towards the door shouting “I’ll get it!” Zach raced after me. Obviously he really did not want me to greet our surprise guest. I felt Zach gaining on me, as I was about to reach the door. I started reaching for the handle when the person on the other side opened the door.

There was a lot of banging, thumping and knocking on wooden and hard body parts. This was followed with a lot of moans and groans from the body beneath me. I looked down at the face of the guy I had landed on. “Hi Riley” I said with a grin. Riley just looked at me blankly then said “hey Taylia how’s life going?” sarcastically.  I put on a thoughtful face then said “hmm pretty normal really. I ran into a cute guy today. Though by the way he dresses I’m pretty sure he’s gay. Seriously just my luck that all the cute guys who come knocking are for my best friend. Do you understand how frustrating that is” Riley held his blank face for one moment, and then cracked up laughing. I rolled myself off him and got up, and stuck out one hand to help him up.

Zach blushed as he came out the door. “Uh hey Riley umm what are you doing here?” He was still so nervous around Riley, even after dating throughout the short holiday we’ve got while schools shut. Apparently someone *cough cough* ah screw it, it was ME! Well anyway I set up a little virus to run through the school’s entire computer system. Yup I’m evil with computers as well. I would say good with computers but good and me don’t work very well in the same sentence. Hah more like me wraps a hand around good and strangles it till it passes out. What was I saying before I trailed off. Oh right Zach and Riley.

Riley smiled and bounded over to Zach wrapping him up in a big bear hug. “Well it’s someone’s birthday today and I wanted to come give her, her present. Plus how could I pass up the opportunity to spend time with you.” Zach was turning as red as a tomato or tamato, whatever floats your sinking boat.

“AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW” I shouted really loudly. Zach moved away from his mate and picked up a pot plant glaring at me. “Whatcha doing” I asked nervously. Zach then proceeded to grin evilly then aimed the plant at me and threw it, with the plant still inside the pot. I dived dramatically to the side and ran away, with Zach chasing me. I could see someone else emerging from the passenger seat of Riley’s car, so I ran behind him.

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