He had everything that she wanted; social class, wealth and power.  Without him she had nothing and that was more than enough to set her ire to light.  For now though she would suck it up and play her role.  She had to stick to the plan, their plan.  The plan that would get her that wealth and power that she so greedily hungered for.

      "It's not what you think," Tatiana sputtered, her eyes flying wildly between both Leo and Ric's.

     Leo arched an angled brow. "Really now," he drawled and tilted his head to the side.  "Let  me guess, my servant here," he said gesturing towards Ric,  "Was just giving you mouth to mouth for no apparent reason."

     Tatiana sucked on her bottom lip and innocently batted her lashes.  "No, it wasn't like that," she said petulantly.  "He was...he was..."

    "Out with it woman," Leo bellowed, impatiently throwing his hands on his hips.  

    She glanced in Ric's direction and was peeved to see that the coward and shrunk back into the shadows of the room.  Figures.

    "Answer me," Leo demanded once again, taking a smidge of satisfaction when she startled.

     "Fine," Tatiana snapped, "If you must know, Ric was just giving me some lessons."  She folded her hands over her chest and faced off with Leo.

     Leo furrowed his brows, "Lessons?  What in the hell kind of lessons would you call that?"

     Tatiana let out an exasperated breath, "Wasn't that that obvious," she asked.  Leo stood in place, staring back at her looking befuddled.  "Come on," she cried, "Do I have to spell it out for you?"  

     Leo continued his blank stare not having the faintest idea of where this conversation was headed.  

     "Men," she grumbled and slowly started to saunter up closer to Leo.  She stopped in front of him and placed her hand on his arm.  "He was teaching me the ways to please a man Leo."  She trailed the tip of of her fingernail down his bare arm, digging it just deep enough in his skin to raise an angry red line.  "More precisely", she added, "Ways to please you."

     Leo grabbed her hand and promptly threw it away from him, hating the way her touch felt.  "I do not need you to please me," he growled.

     Tatiana, offended, narrowed her eyes on Leo.  "You might as well face it now Leo, I will be your bride.  That little pet of yours will never survive in our world and I'm your best match.  "Besides," she said, sidling up against his side once again, "I want to please you."

     Leo sucked in a slow deep breath in an effort to calm himself.  His stance was as rigid as a two by four.  "Tatiana, I am only going to warn you once.  Back..  the hell ..off!"

     Determined to press her point, she laid her hand against his chest and started to trace a slow path downward, over his taut ab muscles until she stopped at his engorged member, cupping it expertly in her hand.  "You really don't mean that," she purred at his ear.

Blood Bound- Book 1 of the Bonded Series- CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now