How to Survive a Host Club

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Is it possible this day could get any worse?

I crashed around a corner, my sense of direction long gone due to the panic bubbling in my chest, racing through my veins like fire. Footsteps pounded behind me, sounding overly loud in the quiet hallway. With the the sound echoing off the high walls, I couldn't tell how far away he was.

I slipped and skidded over the smooth, polished floors, ending up on my hands and knees for a moment before I righted myself and kept running. My breathing was haggard and labored; I wasn't used to so much physical activity.

"A door!" I gasped in a half-breath. "Finally!"

Without taking into account what might greet me, I fumbled with the handle and managed to pry it open. I slipped inside and shut the door as quickly, and quietly as I could. My back fell against the wood, chest heaving with each ragged breath I took.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit!" I hissed, mentally berating myself for my flash of anger earlier. Who knew people took me so seriously?

However, before I could continue with the fun task of cursing myself out, a light flickered on, dazzling my eyes which had already grown used to the semi-darkness of the room.

"Welcome, princess."

"Lovely," I huffed, still completely out of breath. "I've thrown myself into a room of perverts."

I may have been too harsh in calling them perverts, but it seemed kind of fitting at the time.

Seven boys of varying high school ages stood in front of me with their arms outstretched in a welcoming gesture. They were all exceedingly handsome-- except for a little blonde boy I thought was nothing short of adorable.

What made me think they were perverts was the fact that they had the strangest, widest smiles on their faces. There was also the fact that they had been waiting in a dark room by themselves and called me a "princess" when I came in.

The taller blonde with admittedly mesmerizing eyes flinched when I stated I thought he was perverted. But he soon smoothed over the shock and came towards me with a rose in his hand.

"Princess, you're mistaken," he said smoothly as he offered me the flower. "We are--"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, but I don't really care as long as no one tries to rape me. I have a whistle. I just needed an escape, and your room fit the bill. So, you mind letting me stay here for a minute? I'm sorry I called you a pervert," I added seeing their blank faces.

The tall blonde who was directly in front of me blinked once or twice, before offering me another smile. "Of course, Princess," he said suavely. Not that I was very impressed. "The Host Club lives to make our customers' dreams come true!"

I sweat dropped.

But long before I could conjure up a response, the door was forcibly jerked open, hitting me, and I was sent tumbling forward, straight into the blonde. We fell to the floor in an untidy heap, with me landing roughly on his chest, driving the air I'd only just recovered from my lungs.

"There you are! You're gonna pay for what you said to me!"

I visibly flinched at the newcomer's arrival. Things had most definitely gotten worse.

A boy a year older than me stood in the doorway, face red from anger. Only a light sheen of sweat coated his face, as he was a football star and had a muscular build that far exceeded my own. And his furious eyes were locked on me.

He lunged forward and hooked me by the collar of my puke-worthy yellow uniform, lifting me several feet off the ground with relative ease. His was face was twisted in anger, turning his handsome features completely savage.

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