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Ok I'm back for now to update this story and it might be short so yea you guys deserve it. Jtlyk I love you fairies very much and I wouldn't have continued this story if it wasn't for you guys so I thank you. We'll let me get updating.


(Niall's POV)

Well I'm really liking it here. So far Greg hasn't bothered me with anything you know involving Zayn and me. yet........ my stomach started to rumble so I'm gonna go downstairs and get me some more food. I stop swinging in the hammock and climb off. I start to walk towards the hotel. When I step inside I feel strong arms wrap around my waist and I'm lifted.

I squeal and turn my head to see that it was zayn. I feel myself being turned around and pulled close to his chest. My hands instinctively lay on his chest and I look up at my him and my cheeks start to flush. Zayn starts to lean in. My breath hitches and I start to lean in too.

I hear a cough come down the hall and I turn my head to see Greg with his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes narrowed at Zayn and where his arms where. I pale, thinking "oh hell naw NOT NOW!" I'm practically fuming on the outside and what do you do in this situation!? murder. I feel zayn pull his arms away an I feel suddenly empty and alone. He then whispers in my ear, "I hope we can continue what we started later when we are alone alright duckling?" he nibbles on my earlobe. i softly whimper and blush. he pulls away, winking at me and smoothly walks off leaving me in a trance.

 I look over to see that Greg is looking where zayn had went and looks back at me. he gestures at me to follow him but not as a request. I follow him practicaly boiling with anger. when we get to his room I tackle him to the ground and smack him upside the head multiple times before he pries me away from him. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" I scream at him. he glared at me before shutting me up with the silent spell. "now that you are quiet I can say was what I was going to say..." he says, getting back up again.

I roll my eyes and give him a look to tell him to just continue. "look niall you just need to just stay away from zayn." I stomped my foot with rage and tried to scream, but the spell forbid me too make any noise. "look niall I just dont want you to get hurt. you don't understand how much I care about you and the last thing I want to see is you broken inside because of something bad happening to you with that last guy. I love you niall." I stopped to look at him shocked. I can't believe he actually said that. I walk over to him and hug him. he hugs me back tightly and sniffles. I look up at him and wipe the tears that fall down his cheeks. he takes the spell off and my throat is sore from screaming.

"look greg I doubt zayn likes me like that. but can you at least give me some time with him ALONE? " I beg. greg looks hesitant, but nods his head. "fine but if he hurts you I will rip out his junk and shove something large up his ass. ok?" "ok" I reply, grimacing. "I'm going to go back to the hammock and relax." I said, pulling away from the hug, leaving the room, and heading outside. I see it and go back to lay down on it and admire the beautiful sunset.



I think I'm going crazy. I can't stop thinking about that blonde-haired, blue-eyed angel. he is so beautiful I would do anything for him. he has the most wonderful voice I could listen to him talk all day. His pink, kissable lips that I just wanna press my lips against. his body I just want to ravish. he has no idea how much I want to hold him and kiss him all day, and be able to call him mine and protect him from any harm. and I can't control myself sometimes around him. his smell is so intoxicating I feel like I'm high on a love drug. (I SO went there dont judge!) I wanted to see him again. I want to tell niall how I feel but I'm scared. I try to act all smooth and cool but thats just hiding the real me. I was afraid to love because I was terrified of being rejected. I was walking towards the amusement park when I saw something that caught my eye. I ran back towards the hotel and looked for niall. I found him swinging on a hammock, looking very beautiful in the sunset. I walk over to him, getting the question planned in my head.



I flew into the window of doofenshmirts inc. and instantly was in a trap. I tried to break free but the rope was pretty tight. I heard a evil cackle and saw doofenshmirts appear from the dark shadow on the other side of the room. "why hello maximus I see you have fallen for my trap. I made it from the strongest rope I could find. and now let me show you my creation." he pulled back a curtain and there lied something. it looked dangerous. "I introduce to you the TRUTHINATOR!(my dad's idea not mine) and with this device I'll be able to figure out for five minutes how to get to the main cable system and change the settings so that my favorite show 'impractical jokers' can show here. basically the main person will tell me how to do that and that will be the only show that will be there playing on every tv around the world! every other show will not be available!"

that mad man. he can't just do that! there are other good shows out there like....... well idk you tell me! "now all it needs is a jar of nutella. (GASP I know fairies I know THAT MONSTER!!!!) luckily I have one." he walks over to the Truthinator and puts the jar of nutella in a tube and pushes a button. the machine started up and I finally broke through the ropes and karate chopped doofenshmirts away from the Truthinator and it shifted towards the left and shot a lazer beam towards the amusement park.

my eyes widened when it was headed towards someone, but I was suddenly whacked with a banana and was flown back. I heard doofenshmirts mumble, " I thought it was strong enough that guy robbed me." this gave me enough time to go over to the Truthinator and get the jar of nutella and make a saddening sacrfice. I had to dump the nutella on the machine. (may the death of the big jar of nutella be remembered, it sacrificed it life to save the teleivision programs around the world and to that we will remember it as a hero, may it rest in peace amen) the Truthinator started shooting sparks and it exploded mildly.

I ran back out the window and jumped into my flying car, I heard doofenshmirts screech "CURSE YOU MAX THE SHIZ TZU!"



"thank you for bringing me here Zayn I never thought there was a carnival here!" niall said to me, his eyes sparkling in excitment. it made my heart flutter at his adorableness and innocence. I took his hand and headed towards the ride that I saw earlier. its a mirror house that changes colors and shapes. (cool right ik imagine that......) I looked down at him and saw his cheeks tinted pink. he is so cute. I hope he likes what I planned for us.

"OH MY GURSH THAT IS SO COOL! CAN WE GO IN PLEASE!!!!!!" niall pleads to me when he notices the mirror house pointing at it.I chuckled at his adorableness. "actually this is where I am taking you." he starts to jump in excitment, and jumps into my arms, hugging me tightly. " omg really Thanks zayn you are the best!" he whispers in my ear. I shudder slightly, but I play it off as if I was cold.

"well let's go in shall we?" I say, putting my hand on his back and leading him towards the building.


omg this took FOREVER!!!!

but anywho let me tell you what took so long......

I had writers block for a bit and so I made this chappie longer to make it up to you marshmallows. :)

please dont be mad at me

but guess what? I HAVE A BF

yes nemo is off the fish market sorry!

not that you care anyway peeples

but comment below or anywhere on what ya think!

wuv ya!


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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 01, 2014 ⏰

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