well i give up thinking of titles so im just gonna just use random words.

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IM BACK! from being grounded I am so sorry people I should have never lost that DS...... but I found it! that's all that matters right? I am dedicating this chapter to boo_wants_harrys_d because he/she Idk what gender has made my day and if you haven't followed this kevin you should because this kevin made an amazing story. please im BEGGING you to follow this kevin. this kevin deserves it.

**************(LOUIS' POV you HAPPY?!)************

well that plane ride was something else. im just glad we are finally here. we boarded off the plane and then I saw a guy holding a sign that said swissle sticks sweepstakes in BOLD letters and I strolled over to the dude, carrying max, and the idiot as I was had to start a conversation with him. "hi im Louis, are we supposed to come to you if we won the sweepstakes?"

he looks at me flirtatiously "why yes. im taylor and I must say you are FINE!" he looks me up and down

I pale, i don't think a chauffeur is supposed to act like this. "oh no first mary now this guy. uh uh I aint having this bullshark" i thought. "um....thanks i think. let me go get the rest of the gang and we will follow you ok?"

he winks at me. "ok sexy ill be waiting." when i turn around to go back to the gang i feel him place his hand in my back pocket and squeeze my bum. i jump I look at him and I tell him off. "I know you did not just touch my chipmunk cheeks with your nastay ass hands! did you?!" he looks mortified when people stop to stare at him. i walk back to the gang. "hey you guys there is a guy holding a sign for the sweepstakes and i think he is our chauffeur." I say, annoyed.

I glance to see mary is just sitting there applying her thirty-ninth layer of lip gloss before walking over to harry. to save him, i said a quick spell in my head and now she will be too ashamed to approach him.


can you guess what I made her do?

niall wrinkles his nose before blurting out, "DAMN! WHAT DIED IN YOUR ASS?! THAT WAS THE WETTEST FART I EVER HEARD!"

Greg, zayn, Liam, and Harry are trying not to laugh but I don't hesitate to snicker.max is looking around like 'what the hell happened'. Mary looks like she wants to die. She backs away from Harry and turns to her phone. I lead them to 'Taylor' and when he sees me again, he gets down on his knees and begs for my forgiveness.

Bet you didn't believe that did you? I didn't think so. But I could make him do that. *wink wink*

What he really did was blush with embarrassment and leads us to the limo.


After that super long ride in the limo, we finally arrive to the hotel. And all I can say is WOW. The hotel is very beautiful and I can't help but stare at it in awe as we pull in to the driveway. We all get out of the limo and head to the lobby. The luggage guy-thingy WHATEVER grabs our bags and carries them towards our rooms. And since we already have our keys we all head to the directions of our rooms but I stop Harry and put max down.

"Harry" I whine.

"Is there something you request my queen?" He teases.

I roll my eyes before whining again " Hawwy I don't want to walk can you carry me?" I whine again. Harry chuckles before leaning over slightly bending his knees. I jump on his back and wrap my arms around his neck. He grabs my thighs and holds me up before heading to our room. Max follows us. I ponder "why do I have him on a leash if he follows me wherever I go?" I guess he doesn't need the leash. We get to our room and Harry gently puts me down to open the door. When we get inside it doesn't cease to amaze me.

Harry turns towards the right and max and I follow to find a huge, plushy, king sized bed and smack-dab in the middle sat a platter of tiny red discs max jumps on the bed and falls asleep on the foot of the bed instantly. Harry picks up a card and reads it.

"Ooooooh candy!" I squeal, picking one of the discs.

"Um Louis that's not-"

"Harry let me try this candy!" I whine.

"Louis I'm trying to tell you that's not-!"

" Harry if you don't let meh try this candy ima bitch-slap you into next month!" I say rolling my neck, and putting my hands on my hips.

" ok my queen go ahead."

"Thank you" I smile triumphantly and pop the candy in my mouth and instantly spit it out, spluttering, I run to the bathroom and spot a scrubbing brush and grab it, turn the water on, wet the brush, and scrub the shit out of my tongue. I hear Harry laughing behind me.

" how's the soap?" Harry giggled.

After scrubbing a layer of skin out of my tongue, I turn to glare at him, "why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

"You have got to be kidding me" Harry snorts.

"You didn't even try to warn me." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Excuse meh I tried to warn you but you would have bitch-slapped me to next month remember?"

"Whatever" I undress down to my boxers and lay down on the bed.

Harry does the same and scoots over to me and wraps him arms around my waist. He gives me the puppy face. " pwease don't mad at me Louis." I try not to give in but failed. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and start to drift off to sleep.

But before I do I feel something warm press against my forehead and I hear an " I love you."


Ok that is another mcwrap. My best friend was nagging me to update it and shiznizzle. And I was all like-

Calm your tits. I will update. And today I am going to Disney world so I probably won't update until Thursday or later because school is right around the corner.

Yippe note the sarcasm

I'm just kidding I love school.

Most of the time.

But I wonder if anyone I know is gonna be in any of my classes.

I just hope I don't have to deal with a few bitches in my school and retarded boys.

I'm not saying all boys are stupid it's just most of the boys in my school.

Close to ALL of them.

But I need to stop with the monologue.

But I know you people are thinking I waited for this piece of shit.

Yep sorry. It's all I got. Don't hate me :(

Well I'm gonna go Kevin's

Wuv ya!


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