ok i can't think of a title yet hold on

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        ok peoples Im just gonna update because I have INSPIRATION! *gasp* its a shocker. AND AS LONG AS I GOT MAH SUIT AND TIE IMMA LEAVE IT ALL ON DA FLOOR TONIGHT BABY GOT DRESSED UP TO DA NINES LEMME SHOW YOU A FEW THINGS! im sorry Justin timberlake is stuck in my head don't judge. its a good song. and I want to dedicate this story to boo_wants_harrys_d yea since this person doesn't have a lot of followers and wrote a good story so yea you should read it. ok imma stop a flappin my lips and get to writing this gosh darn story cause I don't want my INSPIRATION to go to waste. so ill see ya at the end of da rainbow with my chocolate lucky charms.

           LOUIS' POV

  I actually made it through the movie. well now I know im not gonna be able to sleep that's for sure. harry releases his grip on me and stretches. I do to. but miss the feeling of being in his arms. ehh ill get over it I just need to clear my head by chowing down on nutella. hey its my crack! I need it its addicting! like this yummy boy beside of-

       "hey Louis we should keep in touch so wanna exchange numbers?" he asks shyly, looking down at his feet.

       I smile at him but on the inside I was jumping up and down and screaming OH MY GURSH! and hyperventilating. I somehow had the sanity to grab a napkin and write down my number and ripped the napkin in half so he can have the half that has my number and he can write down his number on the other half and gave it to him. he blushes and writes down his number on the other half and gave it to me and I place it in my pocket. but this wasn't over yet.

      the announcer guy comes back and gets the bullhorn and says "all the people who won the sweepstakes come to the giant swissle stick near the exit please thank you!"

        me and harry get up and walk over to the giant swissle stick and wait for the rest of the other guys to get here.

    the raven-haired guy comes up "im zayn." he says, sticking out his hand.

     I take his hand and shake it."im Louis, and this is harry"

    he kisses my hand and winks at me, I blush surprisingly because he wasn't my type.

      he releases my hand and whispers in my ear " your cute but your not my type but I think you should calm your boyfriend down before he gets all crazy and starts a swingin'."

     I look over at harry and I see that his jaw is clenched, his knuckles are white from clenching his fists and his eyes show jealousy, anger, and insecurity?

    I grab his wrist "harry are you ok?" I ask. his eyes soften when he looks at me and wraps his arms around me and I blush. "yea im fine just zoned out for a moment." he glares at zayn.

       zayn chuckles "very overprotective boyfriend too."

       I stutter "u-um he's n-not my boyfriend."

        " you wish he was.

         no I don't!

        your just scared to accept your feelings for him

       I don't have feelings for him but what is up with him wrapping his arms around me and being protective. I just met him.

                  I don't know but you love it.

                    shut up brain im just gonna stop thinking now."

          I looked over and saw the blond-haired guy bounce over with the guy with the close-shaved haircut walk over to us.

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