Part 22

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The next morning I woke up to a Goodmorning beautiful text from Riley. Ash woke up and caught me blushing at my phone. "who you texting this early that got you blushing so damn hard?" Nobody, I was reading something on Facebook girl. "So what you had to talk to me about last night?" oh yeah, so Riley's sister in law worked at the sperm bank that my momma used, and she gave us a little info on my daddy. "Did she tell you where he was from?" yeah, he is from here. "whats his name?" Craig , "ugh, his last name girl?" Bishop I said.

"CRAIG BISHOP!!!!???" exclaimed an emotional Ashleigh, yeah I said calmly, why you so rowdy? "my daddy name is Craig Bishop! You are fucking lying. "we need to find him for some answers"

Could I have been sleeping with my sister this whole time?

Some kind of way Ashleigh still had some kind of contact with Craig, she told him what was going on and he agreed to meet with us.

I called Riley to come pick me up before i met with because that was too much for me in one day.

"Riley's outside Cassie!" I ran out the door and jumped in the car and started bawling tears.

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