Part 20

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Ashleigh POV:

Cassie really been getting close with this Riley guy over the pass few weeks, she hasn't been acting the same towards me. I think when she comes home tonight we need to have a face to face talk. But in the meantime imma pop up on GG.

**pulls up at GG's

I pull up to GG's crib and I see this girl walking from the front door, with shoes in her hands, its 10:00 at night. why is she walking out the house with shoes in her hands? Who is this bitch?

I walk up to her, Hey whats your name? "Kayla, Why, Who are you?" Who am I? We started arguing, and before i knew it i had a hand full of the Bitch hair in my hands.

GG and his boys heard all of the commotion and out to see what was going on, While i was on top of the hoe i heard one of GG homeboys say Yeah GG you done fucked up now.

I got off of her, turned and looked at GG with tears in my eyes, by the time i turned around the hoe and hit me with a two piece making me pass out.

When i woke up i couldn't remember shit, all i could see was a worried GG. "what happened?" You got knocked the fuck out, Charles, one of GG workers said. I GOT KNOCKED OUT? BY WHO? shit one of GG bitches.

I looked at GG with disbelief, I got up from the couch, grabbed my keys and stormed out without saying anything to Gage.

On my way home, i deleted that nigga number. Let me text Cassie, i know she'll be here for me.

Text message convo

Me: hey, are you home we need to talk?

Cassie: Yeah, I'm here. I need to tell you something too

Me: K, be there in 5.

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