"I-it's not my fault," Corey defended, "They took him and I couldn't do anything."

"Who?" Scott demanded, holding him by the collar. Corey swallowed.

"The Dread Doctors."


"This is stupid," Aspen whispered to Scott as the two of them trudged down the hall to the locker rooms, "We're stupid."

"We're not stupid," Scott replied cooly, "We're desperate."

"How desperate?"

Scott sighed, waiting at the door. "Incredibly desperate." They entered, immediately met with Theo Raeken, the back-stabbing traitor himself, along with his side-kick, Lizard Tail (aka Tracy).

"Told you we'd end up on the same side," Theo said smugly, grinning at them. Aspen chipped lazily at her fingernails and said, "How about I punch you in the neck to remind you we're not?"

Theo chuckled, that darn sparkle in his eye that made you want to kill yourself for thinking he was attractive twinkling. "I've always had a thing for powerful women," he laughed darkly, winking at her. "I love this kid."

"I don't," Tracy grunted, crossing her arms. Aspen gave her a sarcastic smile. She kindly flipped her off.

"We know you're not on our side, Theo," Scott quickly interjected, "You said you wanted to help Lydia. But you left Eichen with something else, didn't you?"

Theo smirked, intrigued. "You mean the mask? You worried about that?" Aspen looked at Scott, confused.

"You didn't put it on did you?" Scott asked. No response. His eyes widened. "W-who did you see?"

"Not Mason," Theo said.

"What does that mean? It's not Mason?" Aspen asked suddenly, eyebrows pinching together.

"Maybe it means he's a lost cause," Tracy piped from her corner. Aspen snorted, turning to look at her.

"You know, I am this close to ripping you limb from limb," Aspen growled. Theo chortled again, saying, "We all know you're capable of that."

Aspen froze at his comment, staring him straight in those evil rat eyes (that somehow still seemed gorgeous). He smirked like he knew something he shouldn't, which meant he probably did.

"We all want the same thing, Scott," Theo continued, staring right back at her, "To get Mason back."

"Okay, but the difference is, we want him back alive," Aspen spat, beating Scott to what he was about to say. Theo smiled, stepping towards her, so close now that she could smell the minty toothpaste he used. "Well good thing I'm willing to compromise. You still got that map of telluric currents?"

Her eyes flicked from Tracy to Scott, before she narrowed them on Theo again. "Bring them to the operating theatre in two hours," Theo finished.

Scott and Aspen agreed unwillingly, and left to tell the rest of the pack and retrieve the maps.

Out from the shadows emerged Deucalion, walking stick straightened before him. "That was her?"

Tracy rolled her eyes. "She's wonderful, isn't she?"

"I should've known last time I saw- or rather, smelled- her," Deucalion mused, "All that power.." He inhaled sharply through his nose. "I can still sense it."

"And your positive she's the way I can get the power?" Theo asked him, "The power from the Beast?" Deucalion nodded. "Absolutely. But you must do one thing.."

Tracy narrowed her eyes at the blind werewolf. "And what's that?" His mouth twisted into a cruel smile.

"You must kill her."


AGH SHORT CHAPTER SORRY like I said I'm trying to stretch these last two episodes out as long as I can. This chapter was really crappy I'm sorry I'm sorry

Ok I need to rant about 2 things so spoilers for Civil War and Scream ahead---




2- I love Clint so much I cannnttt

3- Okay..??? More Spider-Man, plz??? He was in it for like, ten mins what the heck??? Like he was five but he was adoRABLE. More Tom Holland spidey, k? k.

4- Seb also slayyyyeddd



1- so I rlly loved will idk why he was a doof-bag kinda sad he died

2- mitzgerald are OTP. Or, were, rather (SOBBBINNNG)

3- Noah is such a sweet little ray of sunshine I canttt

4- like, I totally called it, kay? I knew it was her from the moment she told her sob story about her father :/


6- "I can see our stars" brb while I go cryyyyyy

Everything Has Changed [LIAM DUNBAR] #2Where stories live. Discover now