#4 Under The Bed

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This happen to a friend of mine, she told me about a year or so go. Will call her Minji. Minji is in her late twenties and works as an english tutor in south korea. one evening a few years ago she was tutoring a highschool boy they were up studying pre leap the busses stopped running being a long way from his house the boy asked if he could crash on her floor over night and get the first bus in the morning. Minji was very unwilling because inviting a teenage male to stay the night didn't sound like a good idea but he was begging her and eventually she said yes. They went back into the one room apartment and she got in bed while he laid a blanket on the floor. They both fall asleep a few hours later it's 2a.m. Wake up Minji. What are you doing? I'm really hungry he says let's go get some food Minji opens her eyes in disbelief food now it's 2am go back to bed but the student insists now i'm so hungry let's eat something now she tells him there's chips in the kitchen and he can fix himself some this does not satisfy him there's a 24 hour place just down the road let's go there eventually after several minutes of persuasion the boy gets Minji to go with him to the restaurant they leave the apartment and head out. As soon there on the street the boy turns to Minji and says i'm not hungry I woke up in the middle of the night and looked under your bed there's a man sleeping there they called the police and discovered that a homeless man had been living in Minji's apartment sleeping under the bed for two months the boy only saw him because he was lying on the floor so he had a clear view under the bed.

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