page thirteen•

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Logan Gray•

They'd just finished their match with the Wyatt's, emerging as losers - not what they'd expected.

But somehow I wasn't as annoyed as I would've usually been. And I know exactly why.

It didn't take long for the boys to come back through the curtain as I waited nearby by a monitor. Roman patted me on the back with a watered down grin and I turned returning the gesture.

'I'm gonna go get some water,' He tells me before running off down the corridor. Seth was next through, hurriedly wiping the sweat from his face with a towel.

I smiled at him, and he simply nodded (clearly not in the best mood) before pointing to the restroom. I said nothing as Dean walked through last, he shook his head, in fact he seemed angry with himself, but I said not a word.

Instead I watched as he followed down the hall where Roman had just ran off too and I caught sight of Triple H as I jumped off the crate.

'You're sure about this right?' I can tell by the look in his face that he is sceptical. He lead me to the gorilla position and I managed to gather a reassuring grin.

'One hundred percent positive.' I nod my head rapidly in clarification of what I am about to do. He pats my back as a father would to his daughter and don't shrug him away. I need all the reassurance I can get right now.

'You're sure this will be okay for the business?' I have a wave of panic overcome me as music begins to play whilst the Universe think the crew is preparing for Cameron and AJ's match. Little did they know. .

'Don't worry Logan,' Hunter shrugged as he swayed on his feet beside me. I gulped, still unsure of this decision. 'It may be earlier than we anticipated, but it has to happen at some point. So if this is something you think will benefit the business - you go for it. Steph's always said that Vince believes in you.'

My eyes closed as I began to psych myself up, squeezing the microphone tight between my fingers. 'Besides, the WWE Universe are always looking for a shock - and this will be something they won't expect, because it wasn't planned in advance this soon.'

Hunter was right. 'Thanks for getting onboard so quickly. I know it was short notice.'

He tells me it was no problem, and before I know it, the Shield music hits and I am halfway down the ramp to an enormous amount of cheers.

The fans began chanting my name and I couldn't speak for a while, I had to know that they could all hear my every word. Because, this could be the biggest mistake I've ever made, or the best thing I've ever done.

'Thanks for the warm welcome tonight guys. . are you all enjoying WWE Elimination Chamber two-thousand-fourteen!' I yelled out and a giant cheer erupted, clapping and chanting for the winners as I swayed on my feet center of the ring.

'Now, I'm out here tonight - not to introduce the divas match, but something far more important. . no offence AJ.' I smirked knowing that she kindly helped me with my last prank, hoping she wouldn't be offended by my speech.

'Diva! Diva! Diva!' The Universe chanted louder and louder, far louder than before and I smiled to myself trying to hold kayfabe.

After the extraordinary sound died down I smirked into the camera, shaking my head as I licked my lips. 'Sadly, it's not that. . however, it's something far better, I can promise you that!'

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