Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Percy

A good night’s sleep was very rare. Demigods always have nightmares; it’s just how we roll. So of course, the one night I didn’t is the night that Annabeth came rushing into my cabin at three o’clock in the morning, tell me that there was some emergency.

I got out of bed, and got changed into jeans and my camp half-blood t-shirt and ran outside to join the other cabin leaders, and a few other random people who happened to be awake. We followed Chiron toward the top of Half-Blood hill. My first impression was that there was something wrong with Thalia’s tree. Maybe someone stole the fleece! But when we got close enough to see it, it seemed fine. That’s when I noticed Leo walking up the other side of the hill, with a girl lying limp, asleep in his arms.

“Oh my gods,” Piper gasped.

“What’s going on?” I grab Annabeth’s hand. I always felt better when I knew she was by my side. After so long from being separated from her, I couldn’t help it. I never wanted to leave her side again. She looked up at me. I guess she didn’t know either. It didn’t seem like anybody did really… just Chiron. Nico DiAngelo came running up the slope from the cabins.

“What did I mis- oh.” He stopped short when he noticed Leo and the girl. “Who is that?” He whispered to Piper. “What happened?” When Leo finally came close enough, I realized that the girl in his arms was Alex.

“Oh gods,” I mutter under my breath. “It’s Alex. Leo? What happened? Is she unconscious? Why?”

“Uh, why don’t we bring her to the Big House?” Chiron interrupted, before Leo could answer me. By the time we got down to the Big House though, we were all on edge, because Chiron walked between Leo and the rest of us, preventing us to see what was wrong with Alex, but I could have sworn I heard him muttering something about how he knew this was going to happen, and something about Leo and Alex. As for Leo, I could hear him cursing under his breathe and saying something about he was sorry. This only made me more confused.

“Are you going to tell us what happened?” Spat Clarisse when we were all on the porch. Chiron had turned into his wheel-chair form. Leo placed Alex down on a reclined chair carefully, then looked at Clarisse dead in the eye, and spoke in a tone so serious, I have never heard Leo use before.

“She’s dead.” We all looked taken aback, not only by his tone of voice, but also by the sudden news.

“But that’s impossible,” Nico spoke up. “I would have sensed her passing into the underworld, and I haven’t. She’s not dead.”

“What? She’s not breathing; she doesn’t have a pulse or heartbeat. She’s definitely isn’t in this body! So where is she?” Nico just shook his head.

“I don’t know…” 

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