The sleigh and the Tooth Palace

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Josh POV

We soon found ourselves somewhere in the workshop following North in his gear. (I believe I don't have to describe what he has on.) "North! North! I told you I'm not going with you guys! There is no way I'm climbing into some rickety old... Sleigh"I heard Jack say and trail off (is that right?) as he looked over to two yetis opening a set of gates. What we saw came out, got me and Jack looking in curiosity. Some large, and I mean large reindeers come out, one of them kicked back at one behind them, making the other reindeer try and retaliate, almost hitting me and Jack as we back up. We looked behind the group of reindeers and saw them pulling a big red sleigh with wings on the side, multiple seats, and what looked to be big skis under the sleigh as footings. 'Woah! This is so NOT how I imagined Santa's sleigh to look like!' I thought as I looked on in awe as it pulled right in front of us. Me and Jack looked at it in silence, until Jack gave an answer that was music to my ears.  "Okay. One ride, but that's it." Jack said as he and I hopped in the awesome looking sleigh.

"Everyone loves the sleigh." North said smugly to Aster as he hopped up front while Aster was still standing where he was. "Bunny, what are you waiting for?" North asked him. "I think my tunnels may be faster, mate, and safer." Aster said as he turned around. But before he could move, North grabbed him by the strap on his back and threw him in the sleigh, in a seat directly right next to me. "Get in! Buckle up!" North said as Aster looked around. "Woah woah woah, where are the bloody seat belts!?" Aster asked frantically. "Ha! That was just expression. Are we ready?" North asked as the yeti in front of him shook his head frantically. "Good. Let's go! Clear!" North said as he whipped the whip (did that sound right?) and the reindeers started moving. When we began to move, I saw Aster's claw dig into the arm rest of the sleigh. "Out of the way!" North yelled as we went sliding down an ice tunnel. The ride went crazy from there! We were sliding back and forth so much that I started holding on for dear life, I think I heard Aster yelling at North to slow down. Now we were about to go into a loopty-loop. "I hope you like the loopty-loops." North said as we went through it. As I was holding on the sleigh as if my life depended on it. At this point, I think it actually does. I looked at Aster to see him holding his breathe as his cheeks puffed out a little. "I hope you like carrots." Aster said "don't you dare throw up Aster!" I said yelling at him. "Here we go!" North yelled as we finally got into the air and out of that death tunnel.

Me and Aster let go of the breathe that me and him were holding in relief. Soon I got chilly because of the cold air hitting me and started shivering. Aster must have noticed this because the next thing I knew, I was pulled into a furry chest with dark colored furry arms wrapped around me. I looked up to see Aster's face looking down at me. "You alright now Josh?" He asked me. "Y-yes t-thank you." I stuttered and looked away with a blush on my face. "Hey Bunny, check out this view-ahh!!!" Jack said as he 'supposedly' fell off the sleigh. Me and Aster freaked out at this. "North! He's..." Aster started saying, until me and him looked over the side of the sleigh to see Jack just hanging. "Aww, you do care." Jack said to Aster. "Jack!! What the hell!? You made me worried about you!!" I yelled at him. "Oh rack off, you bloody show pony!" Aster said to Jack. "Hold on, everyone! I know a shortcut." North shouted as he grabbed a snow globe. "Oh oh strewth, I knew I should've taken the tunnels." Aster said "I say... Tooth Palace." North said as he threw a snow globe that turned into a portal.

We went through it to find ourselves in a mountain landscape with an actual palace on one! But then we noticed some distant black dots headed towards us. "What?" North said as they came closer. On closer inspection, those black dots were actually black horses made entirely out of black sand. As I looked closer, I gasped as I saw some of Tooth's fairies inside a few of them as they continued to capture more. "There taking the tooth fairies!!" Me and Jack exclaimed. One was about to capture another until Jack saved it. "Hey, little Baby Tooth, you okay?" Jack asked the little fairy as she nod her head. We got inside the palace which had golden structures everywhere, even on the ceiling! As we flew, North handed the whip to Jack as we chased one of the black horses. "Here, take over" North told Jack. "What?" Me and Aster said as Jack took charge. North then hopped on the front of the sleigh, took out a sword, and slashed the black sand horse, turning it into nothingness. Something then fell into the sleigh, which were golden jewel covered containers from the looks of it. "They're stealing the teeth!" Aster exclaimed as Sandy touched the black sand that landed on his arm and gave a questioning look. "Jack, look out!" North said as Jack turned and steered the slay from crashing into a pillar and did a rough landing.

"Tooth! Are you alright?" North asked Tooth as we got out of the sleigh. "They... They took my fairies. And the teeth! All of them! Everything is gone! Everything." Tooth said distraught as she landed on the ground sadly. Soon after she said that, the fairy that Jack saved flew out of his hoodie and flew towards Tooth. Tooth looked up and saw Baby Tooth flying towards her and caught her in her hand. "Oh, thank goodness! One of you is all right!" Tooth said as she held Baby Tooth in relief. That moment was ruined when we heard someone talk.

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