The Boogeyman

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Josh Pov

It was night time, me and Jack were walking... well, floating in Jack's case, down the sidewalk to my house. I was throwing a glare at Jack for what happened to Jamie earlier while Jack was rubbing the back of his neck, laughing nervously.

"I can't believe that you actually did that to Jamie!!!!" I yelled

"Hey!! Everything turned out okay in the end right?" Jack said defending himself

"Yeah, if you count getting hit by a couch and having a tooth knocked out okay!!!" I yelled

"Look, I'm sorry okay!! I won't pull a stunt like that again alright?" Jack said

"Somehow, I find that hard to believe." I said

We would have talked more about this if I hadn't looked up in the night sky to see strings of gold sand floating in the air and entering the window of houses.

"Hey Jack? Is all this gold sand the doing of who I think it is?" I asked in awe

Jack looked up in the air to see the same sight as me.

"Yep, that's Sandman's doing alright, and right on time too." He said

Jack touched one of the strings of gold sand and a bit of the sand took form of a dolphin.
I looked on in awe and happiness because I haven't seen a sight quite like this in a long while.


???? Pov

I looked on as the Sandman's gold sand took form of a unicorn above a girl's head. I chuckled as I watched on.

"Aw, I thought I heard the clippity-clop of a unicorn. What an adorable dream!" I said

I then looked at the girl's smiling face while she sleeps. "And look at her. Precious child, so sweet, so full of hope and wonder. Why, there's only one thing missing" I said

I then looked at the gold sand. "A touch of fear." I say as I touched the gold sand unicorn and watched as the sand turn pitch black and turn into one of my precious nightmarians. (That is what I'm going to call them)

"That never gets old, feel your fear. Come on, come on, that's right, yes, what a pretty little nightmare!" I say

"Now, I want you to go tell the others the wait is over." I told the nightmarian. Then the nightmarian flew out of the window of the girl's room into the night.

I then walked out of the shadow of the streets and into the street light to reveal my appearance. From a child's point of view, I have grey skin, gold eyes, pitch black hair, and wear all black. I am known by many frightful children as... The Boogeyman.

"Don't look at me like that, old friend. You must have known this day would come. My Nightmares are finally ready. Are your Guardians?" I said to the Man in the Moon while grinning.

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