The Guardians

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Somewhere in the North Pole, there is a large red building and in the building are a bunch of elves and what looked to be... Yetis? Anyway, in an office is a tall large man with a long white beard and mustache. The man was wearing large black pants, brown boots, and a large red shirt with the sleeves rolled up to reveal tattooed arms. The left arm said 'Nice' and the right arm said 'Naughty'. This man is known by many as Santa Claus, but his friends call him North. North is currently making an ice sculpture of a train, 1 minute later he made the ice sculpture and put it on a bigger ice sculpture with a train track. The ice sculpture then turned into a train with jet wings flying in the air, until a yeti came in the room and smashed the sculpture to pieces with the door.

"How many times have I told you to knock!!" North said

The yeti spoke gibberish but North was able to understand what the yeti said.

"What? The globe?" North said

North left his office and started walking to the globe that had lights on them that signified believers around the world. When North took a look at the globe, he saw that a large amount of lights were going out.

"What is this?" North said

"Have you checked its axis? it's rotation?" North asked the yetis

Just then, the globe became covered with black sand. Then the black sand left quickly as it came. Soon after that, something black and fast swept by North's the yeti's feet. That something then flew around the globe and became a figure of someone laughing evilly.

"Can it be?" North said

"Dingle, make preparations, we are about to have company." North said

North then turned a switch and pushed it down, causing the globe to create the northern lights in the sky to signal the rest of the guardians.

(I'm gonna skip this part because you already what happens and what the other guardians look like, if you don't, google it.)

"This better be good, North" Bunnymund said

"Sandy, thank you for coming" North said

"I know, I know, but I obviously wouldn't have called you all here unless it was serious." North said

"The boogeyman was here!, at the pole!" North said

Tooth gasped

"Pitch? Pitch black was here?" Tooth said

"Yes there was this black sand covering the globe." North said

"What do you mean, black sand?" Bunnymund said

"And then a shadow!" North said

"Hold on, hold on. I thought you said you saw pitch?" Bunnymund said

"Well, not exactly." North said

" 'Not exactly?' Can you believe this guy?" Bunnymund said

Sandy shrugged and made a fancy question float above his head.

"Yeah, you said it, Sandy." Bunnymund said

"Look, he's up to something very bad. I feel it, in my belly." North said

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