Being a Guardian and Defending a Friend

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Josh Pov

"Can anyone tell me and Jack why we are here?" I asked

Sandman raised his hand and used his gold sand to make several symbols above his head, each one changing too fast for me and Jack to keep up with. "That's not really helping, but thanks little man." Jack said before he turned around and froze a passing by elf with a plate of cookies as he continued to talk. "I must've done something really bad to get you four together. Am I on the naughty list?" Jack asked. I raised my left eyebrow at Jack. "Jack, we both know that you are definitely on the naughty list." I said. "Ha!, on naughty list? You hold the record." North said as he pointed at Jack with a slight glare on his face. "But, no matter. We overlook. Now we are wiping clean the slate." North said to Jack as he wiped his right arm. Jack look at North with a questioning look. "How come?" Jack asked. "Ah, good question." Bunnymund said as North was going to tell us why. "How come? I tell you how come! Because now you two are Guardians!" North said with enthusiasm as two yetis behind him raised torches and two elves started to play the trumpet.

Me and Jack looked around in confusion as more elves came in playing the trumpet, banners with fancy 'G's unfolded, and four of Tooth's fairies flew towards us with snowflake necklaces that Jack refused but I happily accepted. North laughed as he said, "This is the best part!" with much enthusiasm as the ceremony went on with a bunch of other stuff going on. I laughed a bit when three elves offered Jack ice blue colored shoes with the toes curled up. A yeti came to North with a big book as North happily took it. Jack was finally fed up with everything and stomped his staff to the ground, freezing it around himself and caused a breeze to blow out the torches and blew the big book in North's face, effectively stopping the ceremony. Everyone's attention was right on Jack. "What makes you think that I or Josh want to be Guardians?" Jack said as I added to his question. "Plus, why choose me? I'm not a holiday, seasonal, or any other kind of spirit for that matter." I said to the four Guardians in front of us.

Everything was silent until North started laughing at Jack's question. "Of course you do. Music!" He said. As an elf was about to start playing, Jack interrupted. "No music!" Jack said as said elf dropped his instrument and walked away irritated. "This is all very flattering, but, you don't want me. You're all hard work and deadlines, and I'm snowballs and fun times. I'm not a Guardian." Jack said as he sat down on a desk. "Heh, yeah. That's exactly what I said." Bunnymund said as he punched North's shoulder. The Tooth fairy then flew towards Jack. "Jack, I don't think you understand what it is we do." Tooth said as she flew towards the huge globe. "Each of those lights is a child." Tooth said. "A child who believes. And good or bad, naughty or nice, we protect them." North continued off of what Tooth was saying. Then North heard me and Jack make 'ahh' noises as Tooth opened our mouths. "Tooth! Fingers out of mouth." North told Tooth as she listened to him. "Sorry. They're beautiful." She told us as she flew away. "Okay. No more wishy-washy. Pitch is out there doing who knows what!" North exclaimed. "You mean the Boogeyman?" Me and Jack said. As soon as I said that, Jack and the Guardians looked at me. "You know Pitch?" Bunnymund asked me. "I've seen him before in my little cousins room one time when I heard her crying about the Boogeyman being in her room. Which turned out to be true because I saw him standing in the shadows of her room before he disappeared." I told them.

North continued on what he was about to tell me and Jack. "Yes! When Pitch threatens us, he threatens them as well." He said. "All the more reason to pick someone more qualified." Jack told North. North scoffed at Jack, "Pick? You think we pick? No, you two were chosen! Like we were all chosen. By Man in Moon." North told us. "What?" Me and Jack said to him. "Last night, Jack and Josh, he chose the two of you." Tooth told us. "Maybe." Bunnymund said. "Man in the Moon... He talks to you?" Jack asked them. "You see, you two cannot say no. It is destiny." North said as me and Jack looked at the moon. "But why wouldn't he tell me that himself? Especially Josh?" Jack said as he started rubbing his head in irritation. "After 300 years, this is his answer? To spend eternity like you guys, cooped up in some hideout thinking of new ways to bribe kids? No, no. That's not for me! No offense." Jack said. I raised an eyebrow at Jack, 'How is that not suppose to be offensive?' I thought. As expected, Bunnymund did not take that comment well. "How is that not offensive!? You know what I think? I think we just dodged a bullet. I mean, what's this clown know about bringing joy to children anyway?" Bunnymund said as he scratched his cheeks with his big feet. I gave Aster a disapproving look for what he just said. But I couldn't help but smile a tiny bit at him because of what he was currently doing. 'Cute' I thought as I watched. My eyes widen as I realize what I just thought. 'Now is not the time, brain!!' I thought to myself.

"You ever hear of a snow day? I know it's no hard-boiled egg, but kids like what I do." Jack said to Bunnymund. "But none them believe believe in you, do they? You see, you're invisible, mate. It's like you don't even exist. Bunnymund said to Jack. "Aster!!!/Bunny! Enough" Me and Tooth yelled at him while frowning. "What?" Aster said looking at me. "That's low! Plus, I feel offended that you had the guts to say that nobody believes in Jack when someone who does is standing right here!!" I yelled at him feeling angry and hurt. "No Josh, it's fine, the kangaroo's right." Jack said. "Jack!!" I yelled at him for calling Aster a kangaroo. "T-the what!? What did you just call me!? I'm not a kangaroo, mate." Aster said as he walked towards Jack. "Oh and this whole time I thought you were. If you're not a kangaroo, what are you?" Jack asked Aster. "I'm a bunny. The Easter Bunny. People believe in me." Aster said to Jack. Jack looked to have tears in his eyes that refuse to fall. "ASTER, THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" I yelled in a voice deeper than my own. Everyone jumped in surprise, shock, and fear. Then they all looked at me with shocked looks on they're faces.

Bunnymund Pov

"ASTER, THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" I heard Josh's voice but in a deeper tone. It made me and everyone else present jumped in surprise, shock, and fear. We all looked at Josh and saw him giving me a glare that made me shake a bit in fright, also I think my fur just went a few shades lighter.

(Imagine this look on Josh's face with his hair covering his right eye and the left eye color went from emerald green to a dull green in anger like anime characters do when they get a pissed off look

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(Imagine this look on Josh's face with his hair covering his right eye and the left eye color went from emerald green to a dull green in anger like anime characters do when they get a pissed off look.)

"Aster, I expected better from you!! I understand that you were offended by what Jack said earlier, but that is no excuse to go and say he knows nothing about bringing joy to children!! Earlier today, Jack made a couple of kids happy by starting a friendly snowball fight. Not only that he also made an angry little girl happy with his special frost snowballs! He also helped her be friends with the other kids as well!! He made them happy Aster!! Oh! And another thing! Earlier today, he told me I was his first believer Aster! His first believer!!! I actually feel honored to be the first to see him! To get to be friends with Jack!! How would you feel if for the past 300 years, you couldn't talk, interact, or touch someone who wasn't a spirit of sorts like yourself huh!? He endured being alone for 300 years with nobody to be friends with!! All he ever wanted was for someone to actually see him!! And now, he does!! So next time, make sure you get to know someone before you make assumptions based on what you think about them!!!! Now apologize!!!" Josh yelled at me.

Everyone looked at Josh speechless at what he just said. Now I felt really guilty for saying those things to Jack. I didn't know that he went that long being alone or what he went through just to be noticed. My ears by now have gone down and hung like a very sad bunny. I turned around towards Jack. "I'm... I'm sorry Jack... I really did go way out of line by saying those harsh words mate... I had no right to say those things because I didn't truly understand what you went through... Nor did I have the right to judge you because I don't know you like Josh does so... I'm sorry mate... Can you... Forgive me?" I said apologizing to Jack. Jack looked at me in the yes to see if I truly meant those words, when he didn't see any deception, he smile a little. "I forgive you Bunny, to be honest, I'm kinda shocked to see you like this. But... I'm happy that you apologized. But your gonna have to get used to me calling you kangaroo though." Jack said with a smirk at the end. I scoffed. "Not on your nelly snowflakes." I said with a slight smirk.

Josh Pov

I lost my angered look and voice and smile at the two along with North, Sandy, and Tooth. North then spoke up. "Okay!, now that that's over with. Jack! Josh! Come with me." North said as me and Jack followed.

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